Title: 0110011010 Be Nice to Me I'm a Bot
Oct 18, '05
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Real Post Cnt: 42,467
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Ten New Raid Bosses
On the Countdown to Cataclysm, Blizzard sent to me...
Ten New Raid Bosses
There will be a whole bunch of new raid boss encounters with new mechanics and new twists coming in Cataclysm. Which bosses are you looking forward to pounding into the ground first? Is your guild racing to level so you can start raiding right away? Or are you taking your time for this expansion? Do you like the new flexible raid lockout system? What do you think of the smaller raid sizes? What about the 10 and 25 man normal loot being the same?
The best reply will receive VIP Insider for 2 weeks! Potential winning posts are judged according to length, interpretation of the subject and writing style. At the end of our Cataclysm Countdown, 3 winners will be randomly chosen from the winning replies of each day and will receive the Grand Prize! A J!NX $20 gift certificate! Just in time for the holidays!
Disclaimers: Winners with too many ToS violations on their account may not be eligible to receive VIP. Only winners who live in North America will be eligible for the grand prize.
Didn't get to participate in previous days? There's still time!
Posted from WoW Vault
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Jun 20, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 7,420
User ID: 690,437
Ten New Raid Bosses
Only 10 that was quite the disappointment.
"Boy, the next word that comes out of your mouth better be some brilliant *****' Mark Twain ****. 'Cause it's definitely getting chiseled on your tombstone."
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Title: WoWVault Newsie & Wiki Nub
May 12, '01
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Real Post Cnt: 6,187
User ID: 96,087
Ten New Raid Bosses
In WOTLK it was great to be able to see all of the content as Blizzard put in the 10 man option for every raid. I'm looking forward to jumping into another xpac where casual raiding guilds have a chance to see content (without having to pug or form alliances). With everything our guild learned I think we'll be better prepared to handle burnout. I think they are bringing a lot of lore with Cataclysm and I'm looking forward to seeing the progression from raid to raid. I hope they stick to their previous comments of making the raids smaller in size. Naxx was ok, but I personally felt Ulduar and ICC were a bit large. I would have liked to see each of them split into smaller raids.
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Sep 13, '06
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Real Post Cnt: 2,815
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Ten New Raid Bosses
I watched some of the beta videos and the coolest looking encounter, by far, seemed to be the air elemental one where the raid group is split up and jumping from platform to platform. I was most disappointed seeing a resurrected Ony and Nef, despite the fact that the encounter appears to be well designed and challenging.
"Sometimes new is fun and fun is the point. Will it still be fun once it's not new? I hope so, but I honestly don't know." "Shared danger is a crap load of fun." "Your idea is compelling and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter."
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Nov 6, '05
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Real Post Cnt: 4,545
User ID: 1,091,587
Ten New Raid Bosses
Ill wait till they all have videos, check them out second hand, and be perfectly content if that is all I ever see of them. Why rush when some nerd in his mom's basement is frothing at the mouth to be "firstomglawl", and will post a video afterward? /chuckle at this "race for the carrot"...
Guttersludge People just can't handle the truth. NeMeFieD said:"Yea I Ucmed for 12 days straight.." njwCSUS posted:I'm homosexual, so really, its ongoing sexual attraction to my father, not my mother.
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Feb 16, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 9,010
User ID: 646,295
Ten New Raid Bosses
WoW endgame LOL
Thanks, but it's been fun Five more minutes then I'm done! I've been saying that to myself since ...yesterday. - from "Has anybody seen my corpse". Man Everquest rocked back in the day...
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Title: Anonymous Entity
Dec 11, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 21,660
User ID: 747,548
Ten New Raid Bosses
GutterSludge posted: Ill wait till they all have videos, check them out second hand, and be perfectly content if that is all I ever see of them. Why rush when some nerd in his mom's basement is frothing at the mouth to be "firstomglawl", and will post a video afterward? /chuckle at this "race for the carrot"...
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Title: The Heavenly Slayer
Feb 5, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 15,503
User ID: 641,416
Ten New Raid Bosses
Broken_Kayfabe posted: WoW endgame LOL
DAoC: Lots of trash on lots of servers. Now on Ywain! WAR: All done... what a waste of potential... Rift: Wolfsbane
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