Title: Board Manager Anime Aikousha
Dec 21, '01
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Anyone found a preview for Kim Harrisons new Hollows book yet?
I saw the cover and title for the first time today and if its indicative of the story i might get interested in this series again. First...shes never really tossed around raw power before has she? Cover sort of makes you think she might be coming into her own as a half-breed demon anyway...her left arm sort of looks non-human too. Harrison really needs to stop flip flopping on the Ivy/Rachel thing too...i can't figure our if the author got cold feet about the idea halfway into the series or if shes just teasing us to draw out the length of the series.
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Title: RUSH > ALL
Feb 28, '02
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Anyone found a preview for Kim Harrisons new Hollows book yet?
I have a bit of an answer on the Ivy / Rachel issue. She said that a couple books ago she decided to write 2-3 more books in the series but the Ivy / Rachel plot arc was not effected by the new length. So basically she had to cool her heels for a couple books and sit on that plot line to make it fit the rest of the story. I find it all very suspect because she has repeatedly stated she does not know how that storyline is going to end and is 'going where the characters take her'. Things seem a little too far plotted out for it to be so up in the air. I don't know if she is hedging, pretentious or just exaggerating her vagueness a little. As far as this book goes, she has stated the demons are going to be a larger part of the current plot arc and sometime soon there will be an entire book taking place in the ever-after (something I am not entirely convinced I will like).
If I have burnt my bridges I will walk on water. If you're on the shore, then you're sure not me, oh My seething wrath and urge for blood is fueled by searing hate. I'm X X X bitch, triple X rated.
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Title: Snr. Board Mgr
Jun 18, '02
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Anyone found a preview for Kim Harrisons new Hollows book yet?
I found this on amazon forums: amazon posted: Condemned to death for black magic and shunned, Rachel Morgan has three days to somehow get to the annual witches convention in San Francisco and clear her name. If she fails, the only way she can escape death is to live in the demonic ever after . . . for ever after. Banned from the flight lists, Rachel teams up with elven tycoon Trent Kalamack, headed for the West Coast for her own mysterious business. But Rachel isn't the only passanger along for the ride. Can a witch, an elf, a living vampire, and a pixy in one car survive for over 2,300 miles? And that's not counting the assassin on their tail. A fearsome demon walks the sunlight, freed after centuries of torment to slay the innocent and devour souls. But his ultimate prey is Rachel Morgan. While the powerful witch with nerves of steel will do whatever it takes to stay alive, even embracing her own demonic nature may not be enough to save her.
-=- Vault Editorial Coordinator -=- -=- Templar Knights -=- [Lakoz] she plays the "sweet" lady...and then when she gets comfortable in vent and in game, she turns into Medusa
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Title: RUSH > ALL
Feb 28, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 40,466
User ID: 651,769
Anyone found a preview for Kim Harrisons new Hollows book yet?
Now I am going to obsess about this until it comes out, like I did with the last one. The Nazi book store she uses for signing in Dayton requires that you purchase the book from them and she doesn't come here until 2-3 days after the book is released. I am fairly confident I can't wait that long.
If I have burnt my bridges I will walk on water. If you're on the shore, then you're sure not me, oh My seething wrath and urge for blood is fueled by searing hate. I'm X X X bitch, triple X rated.
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Title: Board Manager Anime Aikousha
Dec 21, '01
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Real Post Cnt: 36,478
User ID: 567,005
Anyone found a preview for Kim Harrisons new Hollows book yet?
why not buy it from them the day it comes out and just save the receipt?
MyAnimeList - - Chaotic Neutral - El Psy Congroo
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Title: RUSH > ALL
Feb 28, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 40,466
User ID: 651,769
Anyone found a preview for Kim Harrisons new Hollows book yet?
Because it is a 45 minutes drive to a really obnoxious place downtown where parking is not fun.
If I have burnt my bridges I will walk on water. If you're on the shore, then you're sure not me, oh My seething wrath and urge for blood is fueled by searing hate. I'm X X X bitch, triple X rated.
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Title: Board Manager Anime Aikousha
Dec 21, '01
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Real Post Cnt: 36,478
User ID: 567,005
Anyone found a preview for Kim Harrisons new Hollows book yet?
ugh. that sucks. i can understand why they do it but it still sucks. just an extra bit of information, if everyone hasn't figured it out yet the clint eastwood reference for this book is for Pale Rider. oddly enough my liking for the books has been somewhat mirrored to how much i liked the clint eastwood movies they were based on and Pale Rider is one of my favorites.
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Title: Creepy old pirate
Feb 13, '02
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Anyone found a preview for Kim Harrisons new Hollows book yet?
I really enjoyed this series. I wasn't too impressed with the last two books in it however. No, they weren't bad, they just weren't as enjoyable as the earlier ones. To me at least. I'm looking forward to the next in the series despite that though. 2 months is too long to wait dangit.
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Title: RUSH > ALL
Feb 28, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 40,466
User ID: 651,769
Anyone found a preview for Kim Harrisons new Hollows book yet?
Books five and six were like a roller-coaster, I read both books in one sitting and I think they are the high point of the series so far (personally they are the high point of the entire urban fantasy genre for me) so it seemed natural to me that the detente in book seven was a lot less exciting than the previous books. It was the beginning of a new plot arc and it went from the continued drama at the end of the last arc to a return to the solving a case aspect the series started on. I understand why people are a little let down by books seven and eight but personally I don't think the quality is one bit less, it is just an unavoidable fact that eventually the tension has to break and things have to settle down a bit so the bigger picture part of the story can begin to build again. My one big complaint with the last book(s) is Gordan. He is among my least favorite characters ever and I hope he does whatever it is to burn Rachel that everyone keeps hinting at so we can be done with him and move on to the hot lesbian action again!
If I have burnt my bridges I will walk on water. If you're on the shore, then you're sure not me, oh My seething wrath and urge for blood is fueled by searing hate. I'm X X X bitch, triple X rated.
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Title: Board Manager Anime Aikousha
Dec 21, '01
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Real Post Cnt: 36,478
User ID: 567,005
Anyone found a preview for Kim Harrisons new Hollows book yet?
i cut her some slack on the last book too because she was tying up all sorts of loose ends. my biggest complaint about it though is it seemed like Al's relationship with her backtracked and he seemed to loose the bit of respect he had been developing for her. it almost felt like it was written before the previous book rather than after as odd as that sounds. to me though the original plot of these stories was ivy and rachel but that seemed to suddenly disappear after book 4 or so. so hopefully now that shes tied up all her loose ends that plot will reemerge. if you think about it ivy is actually the focus of the stories originally, shes the classic tragic figure that needs saving.
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Feb 1, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 3,979
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Anyone found a preview for Kim Harrisons new Hollows book yet?
First chapter is up on her website if anyone wants to read. LINKY
"Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not abscence of fear."
~Mark Twain
The problem with the gene pool is that there is no lifeguard.
"In my dreams, I was drowning my sorrows, but my sorrows they learned to swim" U2
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