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Help with VTank Unable to use Vtank and get buffed by a bot
Need a little help with Vtank
I just started using this plugin. I am having a problem with one thing.
I get buffed by a bot, this character can not buff itself right now.
When I go to get buffs for Armor my buffbot can not open a trade window for me to put my armor in and then my buffbot can buff it. Any ideas or help?
I have tried it with VTank turned off and paused and with my character allowing others to give me items. If I log out and remove VTank from decal my buffbot has no problems buffing my armor.
Thanks for the great plugin
Dirk Pit
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Aug 28, '04
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Help with VTank Unable to use Vtank and get buffed by a bot
Turn looting off in vtank and try it and see what happens. Vtank looting will close windows (corpse/trade) fairly quickly if there is nothing in the window that matches the loot criteria.
T C M In-Game as Bluballz or Vash
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Help with VTank Unable to use Vtank and get buffed by a bot
Thaks for the idea but someone in game mentioned that so I tried it.
I even tried it with the "Allow others to give you things" Switch on and off.
I tried it with VTank off and on.
Only time my bot or any other buff bot would work at Buffarmor is when vtank was not loaded into decal. Then evey thing worked just fine.
I thank you very much for your help.
Enjoy the day
Dirk Pit of FF
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Oct 10, '00
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Help with VTank Unable to use Vtank and get buffed by a bot
that is a crock, that vtank must be not loaded to get buffbots to bane armor
i run two buff bots and bane equipment all the time for my vtank toons that don't buff/bane.
there is something in your char setup/conf that is causing the issue.
Ag Nar Portal Mule Master of the Loresraat Mastering the pixels of gamedom, 1 MMORPG at a time..
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Help with VTank Unable to use Vtank and get buffed by a bot
You know, I come here to get help not to be told what I said is a "crock" I don't care if you have 100 characters that get buffed all the time when you are running vtank or any other plugin. I am just stating what is happening with my character running vtank and trying to get a buffbot to buff my armor. So please a little help is so nice but bashing someone because you feel or think it's a crock is not very nice or very helpful.
But you could have been right on character setup.
But it is fixed thanks to Ball-Cruncer said about looting. As I stated in my first post I am very new to vtank, 1st time use.
I went back over the settings looking and looking for looting. I thought I had it shut off but I guess not. I opened Advance and I found a check place that had the word looting next to it. I unchecked it and now it works.
Thank you Ball-Cruncer for the idea and help.
Thank you
Dirk Pit of FF
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Aug 28, '04
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Help with VTank Unable to use Vtank and get buffed by a bot
Don't take what Agnari says to heart. For some reason he/she has a short fuse when people post here.
T C M In-Game as Bluballz or Vash
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Nov 18, '01
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Help with VTank Unable to use Vtank and get buffed by a bot
I believe this has something to do with the speed that VTank casts spells and a bug in AC. After it has been casting awhile, nobody can open a trade window with you until you relog. VTank is not doing anything in terms of blocking the trade window or closing it. When you've just logged in (with VTank running) bot buffing will work.
Virindi --- ****Virindi Plugins FAQ**** http://www.virindi.net/wiki/index.php/Virindi_Plugins_FAQ http://www.virindi.net - Virindi Tank, Follower, Integrator, Reporter, VCS5, XPHelper, Item Tool, HUDs, etc... Decal Core Dev - http://www.decaldev.com
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Nov 20, '08
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Help with VTank Unable to use Vtank and get buffed by a bot
I have had this problem too but it is a rare occurance usually only after having Vtank running for a marathon day in EO. No idea if having Vtank running so constanly was the problem or not. A reboot solves the issue immediately. I can say it has happened 6 times in 1000 buffs. I would not worry about it. edit ===== actually buffs still worked only banes wouldn't work - guess taht window bug they talk about but it is a below minor issue
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Help with VTank Unable to use Vtank and get buffed by a bot
I get the no buffbot (item enchants) error 100% after every buff cycle on low level alts. Simply have to log out and log back in, then all is well.
The other major-ish issue i have with Vtank, is when you go salvage hunting, you are pretty much guaranteed to cause an AC bug, which will not allow you to add a partial bag of salvage to the UST, causing your character to get stuck in a cycle of trying to add 2 partial bags of salvage together. It will continue to go into combat mode on respawns, but will never loot again until you discard that bag of salvage or relog.
Im guessing this also has to do with the speed at which VT loots and salvages + only salvaging one item at a time. Using LT i have never seen this bug (but i always salvage multiple items), but with VT i get the bug on each client atleast once every hour or 2.
I believe this is an AC bug, but caused by VT going too fast, since i am unable to manually add that partial bag of salvage to the ust. Wish there was a way to salvage multiple items at once, as i believe this would prevent the AC bug from happening.
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