Author Topic: Final Fantasy 14?
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Subject: Final Fantasy 14?
So my boss bought me a few things to get better, Civilization 5 and Final Fantasy Online 14. I always loved the Civilization games, so that’s cool, but aside from buying, installing, and never playing FF 11 Online, I never really learned much about it or played this game. I made conjurer and got to like level 4 last night just doing the story line quest and killing lil baby butterfly things in Gardania (a starter area), but I know nothing about the game at all and online sites seem very vague and fuzzy. Anyone here actually play it that can give me a run down or tell me what it has (like end result, reason to play, pvp etc)?


GM of Piracy & Fallen Eagles
GM of Unguilded
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Posts: 9,313
Registered: Jan 10, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 8,872
User ID: 604,461
Subject: Final Fantasy 14?
nvm i deleted it already. got to level 10... and it was just the most horrible game I think I've ever seen. I've played games in beta that were beter.


GM of Piracy & Fallen Eagles
GM of Unguilded
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