Author Topic: Missing Rares
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Subject: Missing Rares
Any program out there that is still updated that will notify when a rare is dropped?

Tried LTx since I knew it did that at one time, but it doesn't seem to work anymore.


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Subject: Missing Rares
vtank works fine for me.


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Subject: Missing Rares
I will second Vtank (With the built in looter)

Alinco3 will also pick up rares IF you add in all the names of each rare to the looting list.


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Subject: Missing Rares
Just for clarification, Alinco3 loots rares just fine. It's only when using it to loot in vtank that it has a problem with rares.


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Subject: Missing Rares
Notify when a rare is dropped? Don't you get the different colored notice in your chat window? How can you 'miss' a rare on a corpse? They are usually the first item in the window when you open the corpse. If it's auto looting of rares that you are after, Alinco3 works just fine. If your plugin 'misses' rares, you can simply double click on the rare after opening a corpse. Or, you can drag and drop the rare to your pack. If you are UCM'ing (yeah, I know you are handicapped and can't click a mouse button, you lost both eyes in Vietnam and can't see the text or the rare. Or whatever your excuse is.) why worry about it. You don't want to actually play the game so why should you care about 'missing' a rare or piece of loot?


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Subject: Missing Rares
shojimbo posted:
Notify when a rare is dropped? Don't you get the different colored notice in your chat window? How can you 'miss' a rare on a corpse? They are usually the first item in the window when you open the corpse. If it's auto looting of rares that you are after, Alinco3 works just fine. If your plugin 'misses' rares, you can simply double click on the rare after opening a corpse. Or, you can drag and drop the rare to your pack. If you are UCM'ing (yeah, I know you are handicapped and can't click a mouse button, you lost both eyes in Vietnam and can't see the text or the rare. Or whatever your excuse is.) why worry about it. You don't want to actually play the game so why should you care about 'missing' a rare or piece of loot?

Judge much?

He didn't come here looking for your holier than thou attitude. This is a utilities help forum. Go spout that crap on the Turbine boards. If you aren't going to help, then please keep your comments to yourself.


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