Author Topic: The Stormlight Archive is the next Wheel of Time (The Good Aspects).
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Subject: The Stormlight Archive is the next Wheel of Time (The Good Aspects).
Brandon Sanderson released the first book of his multi-book epic fantasy last week and it has all of the epic qualities that made Wheel of Time great without the over-abundance of characters and endless description that people tend to fault in WoT. Sanderson's narrative is much more focused and his stories are more crafted, I believe.

If you loved Wheel of Time I think this series is the only thing that will have ever compared favorably to it.

Sanderson also has a reputation for his work ethic and consistent ability to release quality novels. I do not believe his series will ever get strung out over three decades like WoT did. Sanderson also seems to believe in each novel having a self contained story so I think his cliffhangers will continue to be both intriguing and light.


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Subject: The Stormlight Archive is the next Wheel of Time (The Good Aspects).
I'm a huge Wheel of Time fan, so when I heard Brandon Sanderson was finishing the series i checked out Elantris and quickly moved through his Mistborn trilogy and Warbreaker. I'm hooked and excited to continue reading Sanderson's future works.

I occasionally hit up his website ( for updates and noticed he made a post telling people that had sample chapters for this book. After reading through the sample chapters i was hooked! So, I immediately went and picked up a copy from Borders... and I have to say, this thing is a monster 1000 pages! I'm about halfway through and already looking forward to the rest of the series (and dreading the wait times between releases).

Now to patiently await WoT book 13 happy


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Title: Insolent Insomniac
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Subject: The Stormlight Archive is the next Wheel of Time (The Good Aspects).
To be fair to Jordan here, book one of the WoT series was also more focused and had less characters. It didn't get bogged down until book four or so. That being said though, I look forward to picking up the book as soon as I'm done reading Brent Weeks new book.


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Title: Dick Tracy
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Subject: The Stormlight Archive is the next Wheel of Time (The Good Aspects).
Recently read Mistborn, and I have to say I'm very impressed with Sanderson. I'll be picking up this as well, and I'm looking forward to reading it happy


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