Dec 8, '02
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strange to have 2-3 drinks a day?
is it strange/does it make you think of alcholism? because i was having a conversation with a co-worker earlier today and mentioned that i have 2-3 beers a night after dinner and he got all shocked and asked me if i have a drinking problem. i am clearly not an alcoholic as it does not affect my daily life but i am just curious if 2-3 drinks a day makes you think of alcoholism as well?
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strange to have 2-3 drinks a day?
I think it is all personal if you ask me. I might have two lynchburg lemonades or gin and tonics or glasses of wine.
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Title: Moderator Ãœber Brat
May 29, '02
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strange to have 2-3 drinks a day?
not to me, unless it starts affecting you/changing you.
Long suffering vassal to Xarkath, U.P. - Forever and ever
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Title: Fuzzy Caterpillar of Friendliness
Aug 11, '00
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strange to have 2-3 drinks a day?
I think it depends on the person a bit if that's alcoholism or not. I'd lean towards not, especially if you never have more than that. I'd lean the other way if you frequently get drunk on top of that. IMO one a day is more healthy than more. It's a lot of calories if nothing else. --- I'm off to get a beer.
. Opinion = fact. Anecdote = proof. Political label more important than either of those. Welcome to ACF, where debate goes to die. . "fascist totalitarian secular progressive Zionist intellectually challenged Christian puppets." - Aerlinthina
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Title: Yes, they are real
Sep 4, '03
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strange to have 2-3 drinks a day?
no, not if that is all you have
"I wish I could lag during sex." - Reapist Jezza, so you know, you've been moved to the number 1 spot of my list of people with horrible taste on the board. -Wolfgar-
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May 30, '06
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strange to have 2-3 drinks a day?
Shenron_ posted: is it strange/does it make you think of alcholism? because i was having a conversation with a co-worker earlier today and mentioned that i have 2-3 beers a night after dinner and he got all shocked and asked me if i have a drinking problem. i am clearly not an alcoholic as it does not affect my daily life but i am just curious if 2-3 drinks a day makes you think of alcoholism as well?
too many people watch that tv show "intervention" was your co-worker female? i think that tv show fills the drama needs of some females
fat girls + skinny ankles = faulty construction -- Halloweve The next burglar in my house will get an Awesome Auger to the face!!! -- CulenTrey Being the coolest kid on the Asylum is like being the smartest kid with down syndrome. - DanBoone
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Title: Touching people in special places all day long
Oct 7, '01
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strange to have 2-3 drinks a day?
Your coworker sounds like a dingleberry honestly. Generally speaking in the psychological world, before an addiction can even be identified as one, there has to be a pronounced and usually detrimental change in the way you live your life or treat those around you, either directly or indirectly as a result of the thing you are addicted. What you do might be described as whats called a "soft addiction." These are basically compulsions that either have begnin (like you) or relatively harmless side effects and do not present an immediate and/or grave danger to one's health. Some soft addictions include overeating(although that's starting to become more debated among the psychological community), using the internet too much, shopping, or reading excessively. Usually these are things that most people have to do daily to live or make their lives simpler, with the exception they are taken to the next level and done excessively.
Q: What's an AW? A: A whore that likes attention
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