Author Topic: ISO : Someone who can Code a plugin or...
Posts: 266
Registered: Dec 10, '06
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Subject: ISO : Someone who can Code a plugin or...
Help me code a plugin.

Currently on my bot (Which is running Castaway, ACTool, and Lifetank) I am using Lifetank's "Takecontrol" (Connecting to an IRC Channel on Login, Then waiting on Lifetank to connect to the IRC Channel, Then opening a private tell/message to the Lifetank Client, giving Lifetank the #cmdmacro takecontrol <Password> Command, Then starting the Respponse Script)IRC function to connect to an IRC channel running a script that looks for "Certain Phrases" in the Allegiance Channel.

The Script: (Shortened)

n0=on *:load:{
n1= /echo 12Auto-Response System v1.0beta --ON--
n2= /echo 12[12Copyright3©2007]-- [DarkTorizo]--
n3= /echo 12[Turn On = /responseON] [Turn Off = /responseOFF]
n5=alias responseON {
n6= /echo 12Auto-Response System v1.0beta --ON--
n7= /enable #response
n9=alias responseOFF {
n10= /echo 12Auto-Response System v1.0beta --OFF--
n11= /disable #response
n13=#response on
n14=on 1:text:*[AC] [Allegiance]**is now level*:*:/msg $nick #cmdmacro send /a «««Auto Bot Response»»» Congratulations!!!
n15=on 1:text:*[AC] [Allegiance]**are now level*:*:/msg $nick #cmdmacro send /a «««Auto Bot Response»»» Congratulations!!!
n16=on 1:text:*[AC] [Allegiance]**skill is now*:*:/msg $nick #cmdmacro send /a «««Auto Bot Response»»» Congratulations!!!
n17=on 1:text:*[AC] [Allegiance]**has acquired*:*:/msg $nick #cmdmacro send /a «««Auto Bot Response»»» Congratulations!!!
n18=on 1:text:*[AC] [Allegiance]**has discovered the*:*:/msg $nick #cmdmacro send /a «««Auto Bot Response»»» Congratulations!!!
n20=#response end
n21=on *:Unload:/echo 3Thanks -DarkTorizo

This works fine, except when Lifetank locks up or Irc loses connection. I would like to replace this method with a Decal Plugin (If Possible) but I am not a coder, and have no clue where to begin. I would do this in ACTool, but can not for the life of me find any way for it to monitor the Allegiance Channel.

I know in the Decal/AC Protocol there is the ability for it to monitor the Allegiance Channel:


0x00040000 Allegiance

ChatDisplayMask: QWORD

0x0000000000040c00 Allegiance

Any Help/Assistance/Code ect would be helpful and greatly appreciated.


Guinevere du Avalon - Level 275 - Mage (War\MeleeD Spec)\2 Hour Buff Bot - TD
~* Explorer of Dereth *~
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