Author Topic: Vtank Question for Newb
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Subject: Vtank Question for Newb
Okay, I realize I may be retarded asking this, but after 4 hours of trying to get Vtank working, I need to ask. I get everything all set, according to various setup guides and from info on the virindi wiki, I click "run macro", and my toon just sits there and does nothing, even while "bad guys" are in range and targeted. Also, I cannot figure out the navigation piece. Do I have to set waypoints/nav routes/ etc or can I leave the nav box blank and Vtank will automatically find/kill baddies? Basically, all I want Vtank to do is ACM grinding, since Im really just starting and the solo grind part is boring as hell. Im running windows 7 - 64 bit, if that matters at all. Help!


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Subject: Vtank Question for Newb
by in 'range' do you mean on the radar or within the distane range you've established on the main panel upper left corner.

does it immediate turn the run macro off? which would be an indiction of a error of not having a wand weapon added in the items list.

on the monsters tab what is the default priorty? -1 = not attack, then low of 0 to high 4.

also on the monster tab, the A for war/attack should be green as well as the enable combat option on the options tab.

yes nav once set up you name a nav profile , then manually add the locations to turn to under a various type. one goes from A to B to C to B to A and repeats. another goes from A to B to C then back to A to rerun the series while a third runs only one time A to B to C. So getting it set up correct can take a while and a little trial and error in type needed for your area and how to do it probably would be best doing trial runs in a safe area till you understanddd what you need to do.

and yes while running from A to B to C IF you have enable combat on and a type of monster not set to -1 priority or the A option off will attack monsters in the range radius then continue on.


Ag Nar
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Subject: Vtank Question for Newb
By "in range" I meant within range of my bow. The macro does not turn itself off, the green "bulb" remains lit and running. I made sure there was a wand in the items portion. Perhaps it is because I don't have a nav route set? Still, it should attack when I'm standing right near a monster.


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Subject: Vtank Question for Newb
nav profiles would handle movement after battle/looting. so NOT having a profile wouldn't stop attacking.

you didn't mention if you had the options tab Enable Combat green, without it green there will be no killing

you didn't mention the monster range on the options tab, upper left. that is the distance within which the monster will attack. believe 50 is the max distance, so being in bow range 80 isn't suffient as it's outside the attack range.

you didn't mention if the monster tab col A is green for default or for an entry of the particular monster you are near.

same goes for the priority (P) level in default and any added particular monster must be > -1 for attacks to occur.

one other thing post a decal export so the more expert folks can check to see if something underlying isn't missing.


Ag Nar
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Subject: Vtank Question for Newb


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Subject: Vtank Question for Newb
That did it! I had my attack keys configured differently than the defaults. Went back to defaults on the keyboard setting and now it works like a champ! Thanks!!


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