Author Topic: Plugins by LinoRanta / how can I get an invite to DL them??
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Subject: Plugins by LinoRanta / how can I get an invite to DL them??
Over on the wiki, there are several plugins by the author LinoRanta, but when you click on any of the plugin links you get a popup asking for a username/password, and a message that says "The site says By invitation only"

Here is the URL for the site in question..

Im just trying to figure out what I need to do to be able to use the plugins like scrollreader3 & LockesArmyKnife..

Any help would be great,


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Subject: Plugins by LinoRanta / how can I get an invite to DL them??
You would have to track down the author of the plugin and get permission probably.


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Subject: Plugins by LinoRanta / how can I get an invite to DL them??
its what im hoping to do with this post, they posted on the VN Boards on 6/2, so im hoping tihs will catch their eye.. happy

If somone knows the user -Lino- maybe you can point them here as well..

Thanks for the reply


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Subject: Plugins by LinoRanta / how can I get an invite to DL them??
That is new, likely an issue with the website, it used to be a 'normal, open' site.
At least that's my guess.

I PM'd -Lino-, the thread I think he had watched is locked now.


Edits are for spelling :^)
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Subject: Plugins by LinoRanta / how can I get an invite to DL them??
thanks a ton... happy


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