Author Topic: What tradebot plugin?
Title: Professional Newb Slayer
Posts: 17,804
Registered: Apr 15, '01
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User ID: 87,944
Subject: What tradebot plugin?
Are people still running AC trade, or is there another plugin that I am skipping over that folks are now using for setting up shop. I have a salvage mule and a ton of majors I need to get rid of and was looking to set something up soon, but I see that on the AC trade website it really hasn't been active for quite a few years.



Life's Plague - War/Melee
Death's Plague - Dagger/Xbow
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Title: I Suck at AC.
Posts: 2,577
Registered: Aug 27, '02
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User ID: 709,489
Subject: What tradebot plugin?
Mule Trade IT.


iVoid warranties
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Title: Professional Newb Slayer
Posts: 17,804
Registered: Apr 15, '01
Extended Info (if available)
Real Post Cnt: 17,115
User ID: 87,944
Subject: What tradebot plugin?


Life's Plague - War/Melee
Death's Plague - Dagger/Xbow
PSN: Delerious_Vind
Live: V Delerious
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