Author Topic: Is there a plugin....
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Subject: Is there a plugin....
That will take a screenshot upon death. Whether that be myself killing someone....or myself dieing (moreso the emphasis on my own character dieing)?

Thanks in advance


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Subject: Is there a plugin....
There use to be a plugin called "Kill Shot."

You can set up AgentZ to take a screen shot every time you level.


Logan Conrad -MT- 221st Level Combat Archer
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Subject: Is there a plugin....
I can look at adding something like that in the future. It wouldn't be very difficult. I took a look to see if there was a command line way to take a screen shot, since you could technically achieve that with a custom chat rule if you could, but it doesn't look like you can.


Zegeger - HG - 246 - Axe
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Subject: Is there a plugin....
I'm not a programming expert....but I believe the old killshot used filters to detect deaths...and simply hit the SS key. Which by default is * takes care of the rest, storing the SS is built into client.


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