Title: RUSH > ALL
Feb 28, '02
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I don't understand people who read multiple books simultaneously.
Whenever somebody lists the books they are currently reading I assume they don't actually read but are enchanted with the concept of reading. One of those people who thinks reading somehow makes you a better person so they buy pop-fiction then ADD out after a couple chapters and place the book on their coffee table with all of the other books they are 'reading'. I can understand if somebody is reading a book for school and a book for pleasure though I don't agree with the decision. I suppose it also makes sense for somebody who reads non-fiction exclusively. I have read hundreds upon hundreds of books in my life and I have never once had two going at the same time.
If I have burnt my bridges I will walk on water. If you're on the shore, then you're sure not me, oh My seething wrath and urge for blood is fueled by searing hate. I'm X X X bitch, triple X rated.
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Title: Camelot Vault Staff Assistant SM
Jun 27, '06
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I don't understand people who read multiple books simultaneously.
I can read a couple non fiction books simultaneously. Or a fiction and non fiction but that's rare. Usually I'm so engrossed in my fiction books that no other book interests me.
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Title: IGN Vault Staff Reziztance iz Futile
Jun 28, '02
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I don't understand people who read multiple books simultaneously.
I'll alternate between series but not chapters, lol.
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Title: RUSH > ALL
Feb 28, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 40,466
User ID: 651,769
I don't understand people who read multiple books simultaneously.
Sometimes I alternate between series too, especially if they are episodic. I always do a trilogy in sequence, though (unless it is really bad like Coldfire or Thomas Covenant).
If I have burnt my bridges I will walk on water. If you're on the shore, then you're sure not me, oh My seething wrath and urge for blood is fueled by searing hate. I'm X X X bitch, triple X rated.
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Title: Instigator
Nov 20, '01
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I don't understand people who read multiple books simultaneously.
if i say i'm "reading" multiple books it's generally a case of one book got really boring and i stopped reading it to read another one but you know.. since i started it i still think i'll finish it one day.
"Cao is really an asexual cricket from outer space" - Bernion "I just wish you had man bits" - ShalisR "i'll be your dirty ignorant redneck if you will be my drugged out cripple bitch" - shaggynuts24 "again, I'm stupid" - Brandun
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Title: Dick Tracy
Jan 23, '02
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I don't understand people who read multiple books simultaneously.
Happens alot to me.
An example:
I'm currently reading book 2 in the Shadows of the Apt series ("Dragonfly Falling") It's not the best I've read, but good enough that I'm gonna finish it.
The other day, I got a packege from Amazon.co.uk with "The Desert Spear" in it, a book I've been waiting for since I finished "The Painted Man"
Result? Shadows of the Apt on the backburner, The Desert Spear read, now I'm back to Dragonfly Falling again.
That's just one of many scenarios I can think of at the top of my head.
That beeing said, I usually read a book in 1-2 days if it interests me, not enough to loose the thread at all in any other books I might be reading.
I has a flavor! CC always welcome.
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Title: RUSH > ALL
Feb 28, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 40,466
User ID: 651,769
I don't understand people who read multiple books simultaneously.
So you weren't ever reading two books at once, you just stopped reading a crappy one to read a good one.
If I have burnt my bridges I will walk on water. If you're on the shore, then you're sure not me, oh My seething wrath and urge for blood is fueled by searing hate. I'm X X X bitch, triple X rated.
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Title: Dick Tracy
Jan 23, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 8,688
User ID: 626,780
I don't understand people who read multiple books simultaneously.
well, to be honest The Desert Spear was a bit of a letdown
That beeing said though, I often juggle books as well, but I usually finish a book in one goif it captures me.
I has a flavor! CC always welcome.
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Title: Guardian of the Flame
Aug 12, '03
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I don't understand people who read multiple books simultaneously.
I read 2 books at once all the time. Usually it's one that requires a lot of concentration to read like Martin's ASOIF before I gave up on it or The Sword or Truth and the other a light read like the Star Wars books, Harry Dresden or Sookie Stackhouse. Which one I read depends on the mood I'm in, if I'm just looking to veg out with a book it's Star Wars or something similar; if I've got a lot of time and energy then I'll pick something heavier.
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Title: Opossum Tamer
Sep 4, '03
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I don't understand people who read multiple books simultaneously.
What Cao said.
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