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Extended Info (if available) Real Post Cnt: 0 User ID: 0
Subject:Looting Program
I am back to AC after a long absence and need a bit of assistance --
I forget all about which items are good and worth picking up, which salvages do what, what special drops come from where. I remember having some addon, it may even have just been Lifetank X, that had loot rules and would alert me when I opened a corpse if something matched the rules I chose.
The key to the program for me now would be the fact it basically told me what was good based on the options it gave. If I had to set up loot rules from scratch, I would have no clue where to start.
Can something do what Lifetank did but without the macro running? I may end up using VTank or something for ACM but I would love to have this program as a standalone with the ability to loot or alert me while I am playing.