Author Topic: Independence Day 2 and 3?
Title: The Ancient One
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Subject: Independence Day 2 and 3?

Status is "still a rumor".
Also noted that they are assuming it will be in 3D "due to the success of Avatar"


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Subject: Independence Day 2 and 3?
This seems like a no brainer to me. It's kind of amazing they haven't made a franchise out of this earlier... though I guess one the obstacles was the fact that it completely hinges on Smith's involvement, and since he's like one of the only real movie stars left (in terms of being able to consistently open a movie big), he probably has been able to do whatever he wants, and maybe up until now it hasn't been high on his priority list.

For my money, the deal breaker is Bill Pullman. Without his gloriously cheesy President Whitmore, I would have no reason to watch the movie. I only hope after the conflict in the original movie he was elected President of the United Earth for life.


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Subject: Independence Day 2 and 3?
*pew pew pew*


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Subject: Independence Day 2 and 3?
ugh. i hate this 3d trend.


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Subject: Independence Day 2 and 3?
Yeah I'm not liking all the 3d either. Reminds me of those damn 3d art posters that were so big for awhile, you know the ones where you had to cross your eyes just so...end up with the same headache from both. ugh.

As far as ID2 & 3, I'll wait to see what they put together before jumping to see them. It'll probably end up like Starship Troopers, where they just run it into the ground with successively bad sequels.


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Subject: Independence Day 2 and 3?
Fzzt posted:
It'll probably end up like Starship Troopers, where they just run it into the ground with successively bad sequels.

NOTHING could be worse than ST, except battlefield earth.


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Subject: Independence Day 2 and 3?
I don't see it following the Starship Troopers formula. First off, unlike Starship Troopers, the Independence Day sequels would have the original creative team attached, and a comparable budget. Second, Paul Verehoven made the first Starship Troopers as a satire, whereas ID was ridiculous in a more straightforward way. So the followups will be apples and oranges, really.


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Subject: Independence Day 2 and 3?
i couldnt stand the first movie...too many side stories that were terrible.

and yes, i know im in the minority that hated it...


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Subject: Independence Day 2 and 3?
I'd go as far as saying most people who didn't like Independence Day were born without a funny bone. Granted, it was a stupid movie, but it falls within the short list of big budget movies that are cheesy in a good way, and the people making it knew so. They threw in a few "serious" moments to try and throw us off, but they knew. tongue

That being said, the sequels need 4 things to be successful. Will Smith being the old funny Will Smith, Bill Pullman being the most awesome US president in the history of movies(gratuitous motivational speech included), and Jeff Goldbluum to trade witty comments with Smith.

But notice I said 4 things? The last is Randy Quaid, back from the dead. praying


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Subject: Independence Day 2 and 3?
Blynk_ posted:
*pew pew pew*


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Subject: Independence Day 2 and 3?
First one wasnt that good.


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Subject: Independence Day 2 and 3?
Well, I liked ID4 for all its faults, so long as I turned my brain off and didn't think about it too much...wouldn't a spaceship 1/4th of the moon's mass drastically alter the Earth and Moon's rotation? And wouldn't a 15 kilometer spaceship kind of do something wherever it was hovering over Earth without having to open its death ray?...ooh, Will Smith's blowing some stuff up!"

It'll be interesting to see what they do. And they'd better have President Lone Starr in this one grin

Of course, I wonder how he's going to top himself after destroying the Earth in Day after Tomorrow and 2012. The aliens wont have much left to invade, unless they have a Death Star enroute to Earth.


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Subject: Independence Day 2 and 3?
Urk_VN posted:
Well, I liked ID4 for all its faults, so long as I turned my brain off and didn't think about it too much...wouldn't a spaceship 1/4th of the moon's mass drastically alter the Earth and Moon's rotation?

Come on... even a really amazing sci-fi action movie wouldn't worry about something like that unless they wanted to work it into the plot somehow. ID4 forced brain outage for reasons much more fundamental than that.


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