Author Topic: older decal version
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Subject: older decal version
can anyone give me a location where I can get a older version of decal . I have the newest version saved and downloaded to my documents.I have windows vista 64 bit.I installed AC to c;/programs and it runs and works from there I can get in game with AC as I had a comp.crash and updated vista before I even installed AC I also installed Bit Defender before I installed AC. as I had it installed to my documents when I fist installed AC 2 years ago it worked as it was not under c:/programs but for some reason or the other it now works and runs from the defult directory c:/programs/ .I get this when I try to install Decal the dll files do not register have tried to install as admin as well no dice i also get this HRESULT2147023898 Please help I can play AC but having Decal installed is really nice to have. Thanks for any and all help,also I am not that cpu savy but can follow directions to get to where i need to also where and how do I get AC set to run in 3d acceleration mode/ been a long time since I new where to get that done again Thanks in advance e-mail is


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Subject: older decal version
sledge posted to you 3d acc question on the turbine boards:

You have Vista and one of its issues is that it defaults to Driectx 10.

AC needs Directx 9.

You need to go to and download Directx 9 and install it.

A lot of games need this version as Directx 10 is not fully backward compatable.


Ag Nar
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Subject: older decal version
Also, the older versions are not compatible with AC as it is today


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