Author Topic: Lifetank Issue
Posts: 5,149
Registered: Jul 9, '02
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User ID: 695,709
Subject: Lifetank Issue
Ok Lifetank just started doing this:

[LTx] [Engine] Could not find a valid spell for Creature Enchantment Mastery Self - Igoring it.

MULTIPLE spells.

It has worked fine, no issues, no problems for months (on the same character). All of a sudden BAM, can't find spells. I have donwloaded nothing new on my computer, made no changs to my router, connection, etc.

I have removed the character profile in question, and redone - no change. I have reinstalled lifetank after removing - no change.


Decal (DenAgent.exe) version:

type, enabled, name, version, clsid
Plugins, 0, Mule Trade It!,, {9D762D6E-6444-485A-B242-C50386013763}
Plugins, 0, Decal Hotkey System,, {6B6B9FA8-37DE-4FA3-8C60-52BD6A2F9855}
Plugins, 0, SocietyAid,, {9635F452-470B-4E4F-8EE8-47F78F304EEC}
Plugins, 0, Make It!,, {70DD2CC6-E638-4F43-9F15-C84A0FC7DC76}
Plugins, 0, GoArrow,, {46BBF551-8578-4A59-B2FB-B5D9F4C719FA}
Plugins, 0, BuffMe,, {22C182F7-DD8E-4894-B7F0-27D52B27DA96}
Plugins, 0, CastAway,, {4EB455CB-A2DA-44B6-90F2-09517A4B1476}
Plugins, 0, Mob Tracker,, {0C212D60-8708-4043-A09B-E6C0387A0A8D}
Plugins, 1, LifeTank X,, {910C0F8E-827A-4E35-A980-50D57D0B1296}
Plugins, 0, MiniMap,, {92C09018-E815-4C22-987B-8E553154146E}
Plugins, 0, Radar Add-on,, {CA23F8D7-7E71-423A-A928-BC5CDD8FBD96}
Plugins, 0, Alinco3,, {ED1645F2-7BE3-44C0-8677-F64252F79309}
Network Filters, 1, Echo Filter 2,, {34239EAD-6317-4C40-A405-193BA5232DD8}
Network Filters, 1, Character Stats Filter,, {4540C969-08D1-46BF-97AD-6B19D3C10BEE}
Network Filters, 1, World Object Filter,, {53092D1B-F0B0-46FF-BF11-8F031EC9B137}
Network Filters, 1, Decal FileService,, {5E9B2FC3-C251-4589-8CE3-2BCA542B98B6}
Network Filters, 1, Identify Queue Filter,, {B0C05A9A-273D-4BC4-B7BA-E27CF94C8EF4}
Network Filters, 1, SpellFilter,, {C2D43735-BE7E-4829-AF73-F2E7E820EB16}
Network Filters, 1, Alinco X Filter,, {375A7C84-B4FD-49BB-B63D-15CCC004E979}
Network Filters, 1, Darkside Filter,, {F93FD48F-BA68-4BF5-A7B3-7908D1634331}
Services, 1, Decal .NET Lifetime Service,, {71A69713-6593-47EC-0001-0000000DECA1}
Services, 1, Decal Dat Service,, {37B083F0-276E-43AD-8D26-3F7449B519DC}
Services, 1, Decal Render Service,, {FB3C8286-88ED-4B4D-B413-94B40F346239}
Services, 1, Decal Inject Gateway Service,, {FEFE5CAB-10E4-404F-AD4D-184BCB506099}
Services, 1, Decal Input Service,, {B33307BA-706D-474A-80B9-70BB8D13EF3E}
Services, 1, Decal Networking Service,, {C8C406F8-BA2E-4964-8B04-FF38394A8E0E}
Services, 1, Decal D3DService,, {F0CC07A0-2C89-4FA4-9356-714665BC2F8B}
Surrogates, 1, Decal.Adapter Surrogate,, {71A69713-6593-47EC-0002-0000000DECA1}
Surrogates, 1, Prefilter Network Filter Surrogate,, {443D4A68-5422-4E0C-9460-973F8FBDB190}
Surrogates, 1, ActiveX Plugin Surrogate,, {7559F22F-C56F-4621-AE08-9C354D799D4B}
Surrogates, -1, Version 1 Plugin Surrogate,, {3D837F6E-B5CA-4604-885F-7AB45FCFA62A}
Input Actions, 1, Delay Input Action,, {324D76B8-D8C7-4A81-B867-E4E1F874E488}
Input Actions, 1, Mouse Move Input Action,, {57D18578-0BF0-4DE5-A0A9-E7CB531C0429}
Input Actions, 1, Restore Input Action,, {6EE2F682-7129-44BE-84B9-787BAE35EC1C}
Input Actions, 1, Polled Delay Input Action,, {762335B2-2274-4BB4-8B1F-F7286C949FF7}
Input Actions, 1, Typing Input Action,, {9CDCEEDC-F8AC-42D5-9A05-52B9346D00A4}
Input Actions, 1, Event Input Action,, {D6E4BD19-4900-4515-BCE2-A9EA4AAE2699}

Operating System:
Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 3 (Build 2600)

[Protected Storage Service] : Automatic

Decal Settings
[Injection Method] : Timer (Default)
[Portal Path] : C:\Program Files\Turbine\Asheron's Call - Throne of Destiny\
[Launcher App] : acclient.exe
[Update URL] :
[memlocs.xml] : 24536 bytes, Version
[messages.xml] : 54173 bytes, Version 2008.04.15.1
[Video Memory] : 257220608

D3DX Libraries (Only d3dx9_30 is required)
[d3dx9_24.dll] : Installed (
[d3dx9_25.dll] : Installed (
[d3dx9_26.dll] : Installed (
[d3dx9_27.dll] : Installed (
[d3dx9_28.dll] : Installed (9.10.455.0)
[d3dx9_29.dll] : Installed (9.11.519.0)
[d3dx9_30.dll] : Installed (9.12.589.0)

---Support Libraries ---
Note: The following libraries are not necessary for Decal to function and are only provided to be of use to plugin developers.

.NET Frameworks
[v1.0.3705] (1.0 Final) : Not Installed
[v1.1.4322] (1.1 Final) : Installed (Service Pack 1)
[v2.0.50215] (2.0 Beta 2) : Not Installed
[v2.0.50727] (2.0 Final) : Installed (Service Pack 2)

C++ Libraries
[msvbvm60.dll] : Installed (
[atl70.dll] : Installed (7.0.9466.0)
[mfc70.dll] : Installed (7.0.9466.0)
[msvcr70.dll] : Installed (7.0.9466.0)
[msvcp70.dll] : Installed (7.0.9466.0)
[atl71.dll] : Installed (7.10.3077.0)
[mfc71.dll] : Installed (7.10.3077.0)
[msvcr71.dll] : Installed (7.10.3052.4)
[msvcp71.dll] : Installed (7.10.3077.0)

Microsoft XML Libraries
[msxml3.dll] : Installed (8.100.1051.0)
[msxml4.dll] : Installed (4.20.9876.0)

---Video Device Information---
[Device] : NVIDIA GeForce 7600 GS
[Device Name] : \\.\DISPLAY1
[KeyDeviceID] : Enum\PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0392&SUBSYS_341A1458&REV_A1
[KeyDeviceKey] : \Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Video\{3BE189EF-22FE-4612-9A7E-55A41D995361}\0000
[Manufacturer] : NVIDIA
[ChipType] : GeForce 7600 GS
[DACType] : Integrated RAMDAC
[Revision] :
[MemoryLocalised] : 256.0 MB
[MemoryEnglish] : 256.0 MB
[DisplayLocalised] : 1280 x 960 (32 bit) (60Hz)
[DisplayEnglish] : 1280 x 960 (32 bit) (60Hz)
[DisplayWidth] : 1280
[DisplayHeight] : 960
[DisplayBpp] : 32
[RefreshRate] : 60
[MonitorName] : ViewSonic VX900-2
[MonitorMaxRes] : 1280,1024
[DriverName] : nv4_disp.dll
[DriverVersion] : 6.14.0011.7813
[DriverAttributes] : Final Retail
[DriverLangEnglish] : English
[DriverLangLocal] : English
[DriverDateEng] : 9/17/2008 23:55:00
[DriverDateLocal] : 9/17/2008 23:55:00
[DriverSize] : 6057472
[MiniVdd] : nv4_mini.sys
[MiniVddDateEng] : 9/17/2008 23:55:00
[MiniVddDateLocal] : 9/17/2008 23:55:00
[MiniVddSize] : 6132576
[Vdd] : n/a
[RenderWindow] : Yes
[Beta] : No
[Debug] : No
[Signed] : No
[SignValid] : No
[Identifier] : {D7B71E3E-40D2-11CF-6D69-111400C2CB35}
[DDIVer] : 9
[DDIVerEng] : 9 (or higher)
[DDIVerLocal] : 9 (or higher)
[iAdapter] : 0
[VendorID] : 0x10DE
[DeviceID] : 0x0392
[SubSystemID] : 0x341A1458
[RevisionID] : 0x00A1
[WHQL Level] : 0
[NoHardware] : 0
[DDAccelEnabled] : Yes
[3DAccelExists] : Yes
[3DAccelEnabled] : Yes
[AGP Enabled] : Yes
[AGPExists] : Yes
[AGPExistsValid] : Yes

Any help would be appreciated.


Advanced Dungeons and Dragons - DM for 28 Years!
Asheron's Call: Bleys Icefalcon; Monarch of Renaissance - on Harvestgain
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Posts: 5,149
Registered: Jul 9, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 5,026
User ID: 695,709
Subject: Lifetank Issue
And before any of you tell me just use Virindi Tank - I play AC to relax and have fun. I don't want a degree from Harvard just to make a plug-in work. I have tried to use Virindi tank twice now - both times, let's just say while I vigorously applaud the efforts to give us more options, I didn't like buffing only like 7 spells total - and then dicking around with it for 5 hours trying to make it buff the rest.

The issue stands. Lifetank was working perfectly. Came in the next day, logged in and now it can't find any spells - even though all of the spells are in the same places they were the day before.

A couple people have sugested in game, I delete again, and when i reinstall, change the path of the install, don't go with default. I did this, and the issue did not fix.

I would post this on Xeon's boards, but it's a dead link.

Any help would be appreciated.


Advanced Dungeons and Dragons - DM for 28 Years!
Asheron's Call: Bleys Icefalcon; Monarch of Renaissance - on Harvestgain
If you want someone to be politically correct, I suggest not engaging me in conversation.
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Registered: Jul 9, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 5,026
User ID: 695,709
Subject: Lifetank Issue
Damn You Elgar!


Advanced Dungeons and Dragons - DM for 28 Years!
Asheron's Call: Bleys Icefalcon; Monarch of Renaissance - on Harvestgain
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Registered: May 24, '01
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User ID: 100,497
Subject: Lifetank Issue
I have just had the exact same thing happen to me. Will let you know if I come across anything.


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Registered: May 24, '01
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User ID: 100,497
Subject: Lifetank Issue
Deleting and reinstalling did nothing for me too. The odd part is that it works fine on my other characters.


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Posts: 2,661
Registered: May 24, '01
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User ID: 100,497
Subject: Lifetank Issue
Tried pasting in the folder of my character that LT works for into the folder of the character it does, did nothing, still broke.


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Posts: 5,149
Registered: Jul 9, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 5,026
User ID: 695,709
Subject: Lifetank Issue
Allrighty, a clan mate suggested I try this: Enter game on the character in question - make sure everything is set up correctly, then check start "lifetank. As soon as the "cannot find" messages start appearing, hit "force rebuff" - and THEN quickly head to a spellbar where the missing spells are and MANUALLY double click some of the ones it is saying it can't find - all the time leaving it running. What the hell I gave it a try. Well, it WORKED. It seems it kickstarted it into realizing I DID have the spells in memory. It only took me manually casting two of the supposedly "does not exist" spells, for it to start casting everything. I hit a second "force rebuff" and bammo, worked fine.

All day!

Worked on both computers, with both characters involved.

Don't know if this is a permanent fix yet.


Advanced Dungeons and Dragons - DM for 28 Years!
Asheron's Call: Bleys Icefalcon; Monarch of Renaissance - on Harvestgain
If you want someone to be politically correct, I suggest not engaging me in conversation.
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Title: Ombudsman of Dereth
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Subject: Lifetank Issue
So here's the problem when I get that error message - I have no buffs on my toon and he doesn't have enough skill to cast a 7 w/o buffs.  So I manually hit him with Creature, Self, Focus, Life, and Item and then hit force buff, and he's fine.  Just make sure your buff cycle length from there is set so that he never runs out of buffs. 

That always solves it for me.


Gengis Con - Xbower, Egam Signeg - Mage
Tradesmaster Bilbo - Tink / Trades / Spear Gimp
Gengis I, Level 7 on DT. Born 9/1/2003.
[General] +Turbine Noworries says, "Yes your creepy man love for Sev on the forums put you in the no go list Gengis"
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