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Subject: Alinco ate my gear....
Ive just recently come back to AC and i got all the decal plugins etc and i was trading some gear between characters and i handed an item over and before i knew it Alinco just salvaged it and it was tink'd?

Is there some setting im not aware of? Does Alinco not detect tinkered items some help on this would be appreciated!


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Subject: Alinco ate my gear....
1) Apply leather to anything that you do NOT want to be salvaged or sold to a vendor.

As for why this happened, I don't know. I use Alinco3 and always watch closely when it salvages stuff. The act of picking up an item on the salvage list triggers the UST routine. Maybe 'giving' an item to another toon triggered it?

2) Apply leather to anything that you do NOT want to be salvaged or sold to a vendor.


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Subject: Alinco ate my gear....
Any and all plugins I use that have an auto salvage function I turn off immediately (or never turn on) and never use.


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Subject: Alinco ate my gear....
One other thing that can help, a number of the plug-ins that auto-salvage WILL detect inscriptions so in addition to using leather Inscribe everything you use or want to keep.

I also personally never use the auto-salvage, too paranoid.


Edits are for spelling :^)
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Subject: Alinco ate my gear....
In my opinion, no plugin should salvage any item unless it actually picked that item up itself for the purpose of salvaging. plain


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Subject: Alinco ate my gear....
Virindi-Inquisitor posted:
In my opinion, no plugin should salvage any item unless it actually picked that item up itself for the purpose of salvaging. plain


Ya know it seems so obvious haha and yet it doesnt work that way.


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Subject: Alinco ate my gear....
Find It! doesn't salvage anything it didn't detect and loot itself. I've gotten complaints from people that want to salvage other stuff, but I'm paranoid.


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