This is not a complete archive, time didn't allot us the
opportunity to properly backup the majority of the boards
deemed "expendable". Most boards on this list have at least
20-40 pages archived (non-logged in pages, 15 topics per
Popular boards may have as many as 250 pages archived at 50
topics per page, while others deemed of historical
signifigance may be archived in their entirety.
We may not agree with how the board shutdown was managed, but
we've done what we could to preserve some of its history in
lieu of that.
Please enjoy the archive. ~
Managers, Moderators, VIP's, and regular posters.
Just wanted to post my findings on this error, which I run into frequently, and offer my help testing the fix in the released plugin.
While running dual client + QuestTimer, I often run into this error when picking up colo tokens on multiple accounts. Once you see this error, QuestTimer stops working in the session & you must completely reload the client. (If you just relog, the plugin is no longer available in the Decal bar.)
After a bit of digging, I found that this is happening because there is contention for the errors.txt file between QuestTimer plugin instances. Most often, QuestTimer is simply trying to write a line into its error log saying that the quests file was modified outside this session because of dual logging. If one instance cannot write this because the other instance is writing it, then the error will hit.
The solution to this needs to be done in code, I think, unless anyone has found a different reasonable workaround... Just add an error handler to the error logging function. I tried that and it worked OK for me.
Does this happen if you wait >10 seconds between completing the quest on each character? Quest Timer checks every 10 seconds to see if another client has modified the file and reloads it if so. The error message (that it's failing to log) is telling you that the changes to the quests file made in the other client will be lost because it wasn't reloaded in the current client before modifying it. So even if you fix the crash, you'll still be losing quest info for the character that completed it first. If you're making changes to the code, you could increase the timer tm10's frequency to be every second instead of 10 seconds.