Author Topic: New Skills? Thinking about updating my calculator
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Subject: New Skills? Thinking about updating my calculator
Not promising anything but was trolling and figured I'd see what would be involved.

What's missing from my calculator?

Any new skills? Any new Augs? Any new attributes? Any new salvage? I know there are level 8's, are there level 9's? New level cap? New skill points? Etc.

If I were to do this I would need complete details about anything new including level 8s and new skills and anything else.

I haven't played forever and am not sure I have the time or if I can even figure out how the program works anymore but if there's any interest I'll look at it if people supply all the information.



The Cleaner - UA/XBow - Growing Naturally
Phage - Battlemage - Incubating in Col
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Subject: New Skills? Thinking about updating my calculator
Yes, new skills - Two Handed Combat and Gearcrafting. Yes, new Augs - about 12 of them. No new attributes. Yes, new salvage - all to do with Gearcrafting. No level 9's and no new skill credits.

I'd personally love an updated version. Thanks for what's out there, though!


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Posts: 1,021
Registered: Jun 12, '01
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Subject: New Skills? Thinking about updating my calculator

I'm glad you like it. One thing about the new salvage though is I need the "difficulty" of the salvage. Those are easy for anyone to add if you know that since you just add them via the text file:

difficulty, name, imbue (0=no, 1=yes), description

Adding the other stuff shouldn't be too difficult so I may if I have time.

For level 8's and epics I would need all the values for damage and vulns.

I'd post this on the actual AC forum but it won't let me since I'm currently not subscribed. Feel free to post this info there since more people would see it and may have the needed information.


The Cleaner - UA/XBow - Growing Naturally
Phage - Battlemage - Incubating in Col
Retired but lurk occasionally
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