Author Topic: I need a bit of guidance in getting LTx to loot Two-Handed weapons.
Title: Great One
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Subject: I need a bit of guidance in getting LTx to loot Two-Handed weapons.
I tried adding the name under the Loot tab's 'Specials', such as "Spadone", "Corsesca", etc., but that doesn't pick them up.

If this has been addressed I am sorry for any duplication. I did my due dilligence Googling and went back 5 pages on this forum.


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Posts: 2,555
Registered: Oct 30, '03
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Subject: I need a bit of guidance in getting LTx to loot Two-Handed weapons.
When you add the item in the list to be picked up there are two green buttons, one to the left of the item and another far to the right on the same screen. Uncheck the one on the far right. That tells ltx to pick up anything with that name in it.


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