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Extended Info (if available) Real Post Cnt: 180 User ID: 1,304,121
Subject:Decal problems (not typical)
Ok, I just came back after a year or two and loaded decal/LTxi. I tried LTx but my game crashed everytime i tried to log in with it (black screen etc...) so I downloaded LTxi. It appeared to work fine, decal menu shows up with the plugin on the bar and such, but I got no "decal is active" or "decal is online" message which i seem to remember should happen. Also, whenever I try to use the plugins, they just simply dont respond to any commands, when i push run macro the yellow dot appears and whatnot but still says Status: Off, doesn't save my settings between logins, doesn't recognize critter and life buffs, doesn't recognize/can't set wand and shield/weapon, and just simply doesn't respond to anything. I've tried everything I can think of so please help if you know anything. I'm running vista 64-bit on a brand new system.
DTD - ZD chapter Currently playing 8v8 sham and luri p/s champ (solo project) Jakk, LoLimhigh, EliteStoner, Quidiox "Jealousy is a sickness...Get well soon!" -Eulogy-