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Topic: The Client version does not match the XML version??????
Extended Info (if available) Real Post Cnt: 0 User ID: 0
Subject:The Client version does not match the XML version??????
~Any Idea what this means?~
The client version does not match the XML version, this may cause some plugins to malfunction.
(xmldoc=C:\Program Files (x86)\Decal 3.0\memlocs.xml client version= xml version=
Updating your XML files will correct this problem. Would you like to update now?
Yes No
Extended Info (if available) Real Post Cnt: 7,440 User ID: 48,760
Subject:The Client version does not match the XML version??????
it means the decal memloc's file you have is out of date, not in sync with the ac files. WHICH happens on patch day when turbine upgrades the files.
you hit the UPdate button or say yes, on the decal agent screen and IF the memloc's have been posted (which they have since that was announced several hours ago) the program will download the 4 new files, decal will be in'sync with Ac and you can play again. jsut like yesterday but with new semi-working content (i'm seeing way too many refs to buggy quests on the trubine site).
Ag Nar Portal Mule Master of the Loresraat Mastering the pixels of gamedom, 1 MMORPG at a time..