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Subject: Virindi Tank turns off on its own
Not sure what the problem is. I never had this problem with my mage. With my melee character, VT stops itself after a few kills. It can do this after one or a hundred. It only recently started doing this. Pre-patch, the recent patch did not fix this at all.


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Subject: Virindi Tank turns off on its own
Is there an exception? Is the macro actually off?


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Subject: Virindi Tank turns off on its own
Affirmative, its off. sometimes, as soon as I turn it on, it kills one eater then turns off. Sometimes, it goes a long while, then turns off while I a pre-occupied and I don't notice it till I'm dying or dead. ALMOST never did this with my war mage!

Also, thanks for responding so fast!


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Subject: Virindi Tank turns off on its own
on melee/archer's it will shut down if you don't have a casting item listed in the 'items tab' some times immediately some times a bit slower then normal

could this be the problem? obviously it isn't a problem for mages as you will typically have at least one casting wand listed. but some non-mages forget to add one, or the one you added is no longer valid, GUID changed or you passed it to someone else and it's no longer in inventory.


Ag Nar
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Subject: Virindi Tank turns off on its own
agnari posted:
on melee/archer's it will shut down if you don't have a casting item listed in the 'items tab' some times immediately some times a bit slower then normal

could this be the problem? obviously it isn't a problem for mages as you will typically have at least one casting wand listed. but some non-mages forget to add one.

This is correct. The reason is that VTank uses spells for a fallback method of regaining h/s/m. This can be problematic if, for instance, your char does not have life magic.

With a char with no life magic and no mana foods, you need to set your mana regain level to 0 so that VT doesn't attempt s2m. Similarly, you need to make sure you have heal kits, health foods/potions, and stam foods/potions on a lifeless melee.

If the macro turns OFF, then there will be some kind of error message (if it just gets stuck trying to do something it can't, this won't necessarily be the case, but the 'run macro' box will stay checked). Please post it if you are getting a message.


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Subject: Virindi Tank turns off on its own

Well, my sword lady, Pani Anetka, is a three school mage with base 296 life. Her wand is in items.

So, not sure what to do.

Also, the next, less pressing problem is she will not buff on her own. The macro, for some reason, will not cycle thru like my mage does, even though she has any spell needed from VI or above...

I will watch for error messages and post what I see next time I get time to devote to playing.

VT works awsome for my 131 war mage, Zoray on Thistledown.

Its just my original character from 1999 was Khalin Frost, this misguided three school sword slinger who had less than 100 strength and Coord and too much focus and its great they made it possible to rebalance character as needed!


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Subject: Virindi Tank turns off on its own
It is possible it is trying to cast a spell you do not have the comps for (if 'run macro' remains checked). Watch the top of the screen for messages saying 'you do not have all of this spell's components'.


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Subject: Virindi Tank turns off on its own
ONE that will trip u up also is having a one stack of prismatic tapers. and that is one or 2 tapers, and the spell needs 3. IF you don't look closely you'll see the 'stack' of tapers and figure go2go, when really You aren't.

and you say you got all the lvl VI spells, but some of the lower ones like push stam to mana and replenish stam are needed make sure you have lvl 1-5 of both of those.


Ag Nar
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Subject: Virindi Tank turns off on its own
friend of mine had this problem and think she said it went away when she defragged her hard drive. I'll ask her tonight to make sure how she fixed it.



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Subject: Virindi Tank turns off on its own
Awsome, getting better actually.

Bought a bunch of stam potions - this stopped the macro from quiting.

I added a wand, again, to items. Now the macro prefers to buff when she is being attacked by eaters! Any way to drive her to fight over buff when baddies are about?


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Subject: Virindi Tank turns off on its own
If you have life magic trained, you should get the lvl 5 or 6 spells at least, so even if debuffed and out of stam items VTank has a way to restam. Level 5 are not that expensive and still work ok in many situations.
As for the buffing while being under attack: VTank keeps track of buffs and recasts them before they expire - with a higher priority than fighting. This makes sense, after all you don't wont your banes or prots to drop while you are surrounded by a dozen foes. To decrease the likelyhood that you need to rebuff while under attack it is best to turn on "Rebuff when Idle" - in which case VTank will rebuff a bit ahead of time if it has nothing else to do (nothing to fight, loot or salvage).

(And follow Agnari's advice below. Most of my melees have higher effective melee when buffing than during combat because they all have brassed up wands - I often run around with my wand out instead of weapon and shield if I just want to run to the end of a dungeon or something.)


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Subject: Virindi Tank turns off on its own
get a 25% md wand and have it baned, 42% to md sure helps buffing in traffic.


Ag Nar
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Subject: Virindi Tank turns off on its own
Great idea! and I did that last night, sure helps. Just feels odd buffing while 12 eaters are eating me ;-0


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