May 17, '02
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ScrollReader3 feature request.
Since I know Lino is reading this forum, I will add a feature request here. Would it be possible to add a way to generate a list of Unknown Level 8 spells? Preferably with the ability to generate the list with selectable schools for 3 school or item only types. Even a separate plugin would work nicely as well. I am looking for something similar to what spellbooker generated but any format would work.
Edits are for spelling :^) Trophy Compendium /a Devil's Saint says, "what we teach our Children we become" June 3, 2008
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ScrollReader3 feature request.
Possible for sure and actually a good idea. There is 2 reasons though this might take a while: - Currently Scrollreader doesn't have any "spell master list", it just compares the spell on a scroll with the learned spells of the character and guesses the spell level from the scarab. To tell which spells are missing I need a list of all possible spells first tho - I don't have a single lvl 8 spell learned yet and most ways to acquire components are rather annyoing to me while I need at least 1 so I can do the testing myself In other words: I will look into it, but don't hold your breath.
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May 17, '02
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ScrollReader3 feature request.
Craftbot can pull the list of spell id's from client info(cell.dat I believe) if that's one of the hold-ups, but I'd have to check to see if you have to have learned the spell or not (I don't believe it needs the spell learned to). I may be able to pull my use craftbot to pull the list with my mage as I do have a fair number 8's learned if that'd help things along. Do you need to be able to CAST the spell for testing, or just learn it (I suspect you are NOT from FF,b ut if you are on FF I may be able to arrange some spell bits).
Edits are for spelling :^) Trophy Compendium /a Devil's Saint says, "what we teach our Children we become" June 3, 2008
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ScrollReader3 feature request.
Just having 1 spell learned will do for my testing. I will look into it for lvl 7 spells first when I get some free time, maybe until I get that done I can learn a lvl 8 on HG. If not I might come back and ask for donations on FF - if there is no skill req on learning them that is. Do you have an example of the output format?
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May 17, '02
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ScrollReader3 feature request.
Well since I'm not sure if you are asking about what Craftbot's spell output or what the end result should look like I'll post some craftbot's spell output here first and then go into what the results of the plug-in could look like. What Craftbot shows for spell info (and what it uses when it's doing it's buffing), 1426: Focus Self VI -- Increases the caster's Focus by 35 points. 1427: Focus Other I -- Increases the target's Focus by 10 points. 4304: Incantation of Focus Other -- Increases the target's Focus by 45 points. 4305: Incantation of Focus Self -- Increases the caster's Focus by 45 points. The data Craftbot gets is sorted the way it was added to the client from what I can tell after going thru it to find the spell numbers I need to setup the plug-in to be a self buffing Tinkerbot. I kinda like the way Spellbook keeeper listed it's output. It was setup to show each school in a block and then listed a single translated spell name aka Flame Volley VII (Infernae) on each line, opposed to spellname. That appears to be due the fact the client sorts the level 7's by what the translated would be in the In-game spellbook (aka focus 1 thru 7 in one block, ignoring the spelling listed on the level 7). That is NOT the case for the incantations, they appear in a block of Incantation's in the in-game spellbook that also show what it is (say Incantation of Frostbolt or Incantation of Force Arc) and thus we don't require the translation bit. Really as long as it's sorted by school and has a way to output it to a text file so I can print it out, I can live with however it does stuff, the output to a easily printable format is the more important part, sorting by school is less so to me.
Edits are for spelling :^) Trophy Compendium /a Devil's Saint says, "what we teach our Children we become" June 3, 2008
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Sep 28, '00
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ScrollReader3 feature request.
Lino , i can help you with some lvl 8 scrolls , just remind me next time you see me on.
Naia Ra-Sal lvl 262 Warlord of Dereth Vainda Ra-Sal lvl 275 Shellfish Hater Xavia Ra-Sal lvl 250 Vaindas Oil Slave Max Speced Armor Tink , Max speced Weapon Tink
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ScrollReader3 feature request.
Ok, I looked a bit at my own code (most of scrollreader was written years ago) and at the craftbot code - not that much to do for compiling a list of unlearned spells it seems. I will try to get a version with export out later this week.
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ScrollReader3 feature request.
Lino .. I hate to throw another request, but, here it goes.
As I level up a new mage, a buying decal utility helps a lot. But I do not need to auto buy 'negative' and 'other' spells. My feeling is that you would need to 'hard-code' that in ScrollReader3 .. and that would take time.
Is there any way to filter the -Buy- of the 'negative' and 'other' spells?
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ScrollReader3 feature request.
Ok, this took way more time than expected (12 hours so far) and the solution I have now leaves some room for improvement, but both features will be in the next version. I still need to do some testing, but I think I can get the release ready by Tuesday evening.
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May 17, '02
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ScrollReader3 feature request.
Sweet, I finally got around to installing the bug fix version, works nicely :^)
Edits are for spelling :^) Trophy Compendium /a Devil's Saint says, "what we teach our Children we become" June 3, 2008
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May 17, '02
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ScrollReader3 feature request.
Lino, was wondering if there is any further news on the new version?
Edits are for spelling :^) Trophy Compendium /a Devil's Saint says, "what we teach our Children we become" June 3, 2008
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ScrollReader3 feature request.
New version is released, see for download link. The export for unknown 7s and 8s does NOT have the schools in the filename and the sorting is by "friendly name", so if you want your export grouped by school you need to export one school after another and rename the resulting file between the exports so it is not overwritten! Spell names and properties in AC are a mess (eg Heal Self and Healing Mastery Self share the same spell family, there is 2-3 versions of several lvl 7 spells etc), so the filters for shopping might let some scrolls "slip thru". If that happens, please let me know and I will fix it. Also the "missing" list might show some spells that can't be learned (yet) or might not show some spells that can be learned. If you notice something like that, follow the instructions below. If you notice any other problems, please let me know as well. If possible, copy&paste the error log from the ScrollReader3 settings folder ("My Documents\Decal Plugins\ScrollReader3\") into your message (if one was written). == Instructions for the "missing" spell list being incorrect == If you notice any spells in the "missing" list that can't be learned, please make an XML export for the school and level (to keep it small), find the "offending" spell in the export (please compare Name and FriendlyName), copy the whole <SpellInfo>...</SpellInfo> block and post it here or drop me a PM. If you don't want to wait for me to make a new release, open the spellinfo.xml inside the directory you installed ScrollReader3 to, find the spell in there (best to search for the Id, spell names are far from unique) and change <isLearnable>true</isLearnable> to <isLearnable>false</isLearnable>. If the "missing" list is not showing a lvl 7 or 8 spell you absolutely know it should show, please let me know as well. If you have it learned on another character, log to that character, type in "/sr3 dumpbook" (ATTENTION: THIS MIGHT MAKE YOUR CLIENT HANG FOR A FEW SECONDS, SO ONLY DO IN A SAFE PLACE!), open the file "spellbook SERVER CHARNAME.xml" in the settings folder of ScrollReader3, find the spell in there and send me the whole <SpellInfo> block.
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ScrollReader3 feature request.
Ok, I found some issues with the "missing" list on characters who are missing a lot of the life transfer spells (mana2health etc). I am working on a fix, shouldnt take long.
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ScrollReader3 feature request.
=== v1.5.2.0 === Release Date:2009-11-01 Release Notes: * Fixed: Friendly names for Martyr spells and some others Installer: <> Known Bugs: -
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ScrollReader3 feature request.
Known Bug in 1.5.2: Under certain conditions Decals SpellBook (Core.CharacterFilter.Spellbook for the devs) seems to get "stuck", which leads to a) learning to fail and b) the missing spell list not getting shorter if you refresh it after learning a spell. I am currently unsure if this is a bug in ScrollReader3 or in Decal itself. If any decal or plugin dev has an idea what is going wrong, I wouldn't mind a hint (The source of 1.5.2 is same as for 1.5.1 so the URL is if you want to take a look)
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ScrollReader3 feature request.
Ok, 1.5.3 seems to have fixed the problems I mentioned above. === v1.5.3.0 === Release Date:2009-11-02 Release Notes: * Fixed: Internal spellbook wouldn't recognize new spells leading to stale "missing" lists * Fixed: Learning sometimes stopped working without any visible error message Installer: <> Known Bugs: - Any more feature requests?
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May 17, '02
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User ID: 680,348
ScrollReader3 feature request.
Just getting a chance to provide feedback after use of the most recent version. LOVE IT. Both the original purpose of learning and buying scrolls plus the new what's still required for level 8's work as they are supposed to, great job Lino, Thanks.
Edits are for spelling :^) Trophy Compendium /a Devil's Saint says, "what we teach our Children we become" June 3, 2008
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May 17, '02
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ScrollReader3 feature request.
One thing I miss, feature wise, is seeing how many players are logged into the server. I used to have on the old computer a Plugin called Players Online which seems to have had it website disappear. It didn't even have a presence on the decal bar, I would think it's be easy enough to add, probably with a option button to turn it off and on.
Edits are for spelling :^) Trophy Compendium /a Devil's Saint says, "what we teach our Children we become" June 3, 2008
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ScrollReader3 feature request.
Not exactly a feature for SR3 but I will put it in the next version of LAK.
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ScrollReader3 feature request.
Maglett_of_FF posted: One thing I miss, feature wise, is seeing how many players are logged into the server. I used to have on the old computer a Plugin called Players Online which seems to have had it website disappear. It didn't even have a presence on the decal bar, I would think it's be easy enough to add, probably with a option button to turn it off and on.
I believe you are thinking of Population Filter that does what you describe already. I've been using it for years now.
And AC+ reports the population when you log in with it running.
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May 17, '02
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User ID: 680,348
ScrollReader3 feature request.
Well I one I used was called Player's Online, population filter sounds like it does the same thing and sourceforge projects don't tend to go poof quite as fast.
Edits are for spelling :^) Trophy Compendium /a Devil's Saint says, "what we teach our Children we become" June 3, 2008
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Aug 21, '02
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ScrollReader3 feature request.
"And AC+ reports the population when you log in with it running. " i can verify that it does that.
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