Author Topic: why is pepperoni red?
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Subject: why is pepperoni red?
i thought pork is mostly light/white why is pepperoni so dark red?


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Subject: why is pepperoni red?


Long suffering vassal to Xarkath, U.P. - Forever and ever
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Subject: why is pepperoni red?
-Foxy- posted:

lots and lots of it


Lokkie_the_Fierce (+3.14)
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Subject: why is pepperoni red?
The name pepperoni is an Italian-American variant on the original Italian word for spicy peppers, peperoni. The primary meat used in pepperoni is pork, followed closely by beef. These two meats are ground together and allowed to dry under refrigeration for a day before processing. Additional spices are added to the meat, including black pepper, sugar, anise seed, salt, cayenne pepper and paprika. Many people may assume the red color and peppery bite of pepperoni comes from the cayenne pepper, but it's actually the paprika that is primarily responsible for the color and heat of most pepperoni sausages


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