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Extended Info (if available) Real Post Cnt: 12,759 User ID: 33,011
Subject:Alinco 3 problem
Although this has been brought up before that post is now buried, so
Whenever Alinco 3 detects a large group of monsters such as (example only), Black Coral Golem spawn on DI, it will detect them, but, my char will pause about 1/2-1 second. This happens each and every time.
Just wondering if the new developer of Alinco 3 knows about this
The more people I meet, the more I like my cat Retired-Lvl 251 Battle Dagger/Sword Bear, Bunny Master Retired-David the UA Bear-Lvl 250-Queen Slayer Retired- Lvl 275-David the Mage Bear-David's Rare Bear Lvl 275/Died 887 Last Mage Death Coun
Extended Info (if available) Real Post Cnt: 7,440 User ID: 48,760
Subject:Alinco 3 problem
i believe if you turn off the 'arrow' that points at the spawn/item function the delay isn't nearly as visbile.
IF we have the developer's attention, and as i understand it he isn't a new one but rather the old/original developer, is that salvaging needs some tweeking.
when it does the load ust it does not appear to be taking into account my max/auged skill and major/item salaving item. I can get 25 units of salvage from a work 8 item, so it loads 5 items of x work 8 into the ust. only need four of, 8, 9 or 10; five of work 7 and six of work 6.
Ag Nar Portal Mule Master of the Loresraat Mastering the pixels of gamedom, 1 MMORPG at a time..
Extended Info (if available) Real Post Cnt: 12,759 User ID: 33,011
Subject:Alinco 3 problem
The arrow is the portion that I love the most
The more people I meet, the more I like my cat Retired-Lvl 251 Battle Dagger/Sword Bear, Bunny Master Retired-David the UA Bear-Lvl 250-Queen Slayer Retired- Lvl 275-David the Mage Bear-David's Rare Bear Lvl 275/Died 887 Last Mage Death Coun