Jun 27, '08
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what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
we are gratefull to those who carry the torch and owe them much thanks.
we understand and have no hard feelings if they no longer wanna carry it,all we ask is that if this is the case to please pass the torch to those still willing. thank you
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Oct 10, '00
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what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
draiker (spelling) usually has the memlocs up within hours of the patch. I believe he even has an automated process for finding them.
SO if they arent up yet, means something like he has been unable to get to patch for analysis (sick, away on vacation, his internet connection is out, not aware patch up yet) so give him some time.
Ag Nar Portal Mule Master of the Loresraat Mastering the pixels of gamedom, 1 MMORPG at a time..
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Title: Silent patriot of the undiscovered country
Jul 25, '01
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what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
You can always mow my lawn and pull some weeds!
Hamlit the Heartseeker - Sword Hamlit the Handyman - Bow / Craftsman High Lord Hamlit - WarMage Champions of Dereth Allegiance - Morningthaw You were born on 11/02/99 01:02:25
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Jun 27, '08
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what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
hope he is ok and just busy. whatta bu for 1 person,i thank you. i did notice 3 people asking to help with the task,guess he is in charge of hiring for that task as well ;D
sigh tuned and tested the dirt bike ..guess do same to the 4 wheeler now ;P
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May 12, '02
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what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
Everyone needs to relax and remember when ToD was released ... there was no Decal for a couple months ... a day is nothing to worry about
As far as "willing workers" ... Decal Devs are extremely careful of who is involved because of the way Decal works. They would want and need to check anyone out thoroughly who might get involved at this late date, as the possibility of putting "unwanteds" into the coding and thus onto YOUR computer would ultimately come back on them.
By now, we should all be able to play for a bit without Decal. Yes, buffing is a pain in the neck, but isn't something you're doing every 10 minutes. Days like this is when self buffing weapons are quite handy ... toss some quick buffs on yourself and off you go! I've noted there are people out there also to help buff smaller toons - most of them draw the line at hand buffing folks who are quite capable of doing it themselves. If you see one of them ingame helping others, might consider dropping a trade note or two on them in appreciation for their willingness to help others
Keepers of the Lost Flame http://ashakeofmt.yuku.com "Your experience has reduced your vitae penalty to 100%" ... say WHAT?? Love ... Dream ... Believe
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Jan 6, '03
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what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
When decal is down the only recourse I have is to make it a little painfull for Turbine.
5 accounts shut off this morning. Next month I'll turn them back on.
What is the point of paying for a buffbot and tinkerbot for the allegiance if they don't work.
The Original "Black Sheep Squad" – Formed 2000 Everyone else is just pretending.
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Jul 9, '02
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what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
The truth is this: Decal IS a part of the game now. Without it, part of the game simply isn't there. For some it's to macro, for other's it's the convenience of buffing, for yet more the ease of identifying/cutting and pasting of items, or the finding of things OR making of thing - etc.
Take much of that automation away, and AC will lose players, period. I for one, have a nice stockpile of ready made wrapped deadly arrowheads thanks to Make It. I will likely unsub if I have to go back to the tedium of standing there like a moron individually making them again. 1,2 - 1,2 - 1,2 - 1,2 - 1,2 - 1,2 - 1,2.......
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons - DM for 28 Years! Asheron's Call: Bleys Icefalcon; Monarch of Renaissance - on Harvestgain If you want someone to be politically correct, I suggest not engaging me in conversation.
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what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
I just hope Decal comes up soon. All this alt tabbing to get coords is makin me dizzy ! Has anyone heard or talked with Drakier ?
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Title: quantum mechanic
Feb 27, '01
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what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
Try playing in windowed mode then.
We are like dwarfs sitting on the shoulders of giants. We see more and things that are more distant than they did, not because our sight is superior or because we are taller than they, but because they raise us up and their great stature adds to ours
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Jun 30, '02
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what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
This is when I usually start playing my no buff toons. Hehe
Proud member of The Knights of Fortune Mr Adventure - Lil' Pew - Da Noob - Qar Yaroz - Yanno http://www.fortunesway.com
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May 12, '02
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what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
Strikefast posted: When decal is down the only recourse I have is to make it a little painfull for Turbine.
5 accounts shut off this morning. Next month I'll turn them back on.
What is the point of paying for a buffbot and tinkerbot for the allegiance if they don't work.
Strike, Decal is totally independent of Turbine. Making it painful for Turbine won't help the fact that one of the Decal devs has to go in and "patch" Decal to make it find what needs to be found in the memlocs for all the plugins to work.
I have talked to two people who know some of the Decal devs and they're trying to help things along. Patience please folks - people go on vacation and have real life obligations that have nothing to do with AC or Decal
Keepers of the Lost Flame http://ashakeofmt.yuku.com "Your experience has reduced your vitae penalty to 100%" ... say WHAT?? Love ... Dream ... Believe
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Jan 23, '02
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what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
its only been one day. My understanding is they didn't know or have the appropriate warning and thus this is why we have the problem. I wish Turbine would work with the decal team a little like letting them know in advance some of the info they might need. If that's possible i don't know.
The ultimate end of all revolutionary social change is to establish the sanctity of human life, the dignity of man, the right of every human being to liberty and well-being. Emma Goldman self portrait http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v375/xyzzy11686
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May 17, '02
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what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
Decal will be up when it's up man, I may play less than normal but the temps outside are NOT arctic or below so perhaps I should see what this daystar thingee is for once..... I will obviously rejoice once things are back but as I said above, it's back when it's back. Thank you Decal Developers for all the work you have done and for any you do in the future. It is VERY much appreciated. If need be, ignore the impatient ones, we have gotten spoiled with the speed recent patchs have gotten the memloc's up.
Edits are for spelling :^) Trophy Compendium http://vnboards.ign.com/message.asp?topic=90389010 /a Devil's Saint says, "what we teach our Children we become" June 3, 2008
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Feb 21, '03
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what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
+1 to Maglett
Bombay Martini - Swordswinger Hoganator - War Mage in training Tatka Martini - Archer Support / Tinkerer Proud member of RoG
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what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
Asking for some feedback as to ETA, or even if anyone is even home is not being impatient.
I believe that in the recent months, so little have changed in the memory locations that there was little or no work needed to be done to update Decal with the new offsets.
This time things might be different.
It would be nice to know that anyone who has the ability to change them even knows it needs to be done, let alone that work has begun.
It would also not be bad business to involve new blood if the old is no longer active. It seems there is little movement on the decal boards. It would improve “customer service†if new people, who seem willing to participate were added to the respective roles. I understand vetting may be needed but it should not preclude fresh faces.
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May 12, '02
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what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
I agree Xnumt ... but again, with it being downloaded and used by so many, it would only take one person to mess everything up, and blame fall upon the Decal crew.
We're doing our best to get word to someone, but ... perhaps real life has them busy as well. Just think how nice it will be to have it back ... I'm betting we all will appreciate having it more for dealing with the downtime
Keepers of the Lost Flame http://ashakeofmt.yuku.com "Your experience has reduced your vitae penalty to 100%" ... say WHAT?? Love ... Dream ... Believe
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Jul 11, '02
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what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
Xnumt posted: Asking for some feedback as to ETA, or even if anyone is even home is not being impatient. I believe that in the recent months, so little have changed in the memory locations that there was little or no work needed to be done to update Decal with the new offsets.
Nope they change every time there is any change in the game. Even a hotfix can shut Decal down for a while. The client is recompiled each time so there are always changes. (this is my understanding... I'm 99.9% sure I am remembering this right) The ETA is - It will be done when it is done. Xnumt posted: It would also not be bad business to involve new blood if the old is no longer active. It seems there is little movement on the decal boards. It would improve “customer service†if new people, who seem willing to participate were added to the respective roles. I understand vetting may be needed but it should not preclude fresh faces.
I'm sorry the people who are DONATING their time are not moving fast enough to please you. By all means write your own version of Decal from scratch and keep it up to date. This is free software being supported and provided by a small group of people for a game with a diminishing population. Its a hobby, its not a business. That sounds harsh, and its meant to be. The Decal Devs all have lives and real jobs. I'm sorry its not moving at a speed to keep you happy. Its been 1 day, ZOMG think of everything your missing out on. The game still works without Decal, and its not been the months it took when TOD came out for Decal to function again. Wanting it done NOW NOW NOW and stomping your foot, yeah thats good motivation for them. One more time... The update will be done, when its done. wubbie - these are not the official views of the Decal Dev staff or plugin writers.
WARLORD OF THINGS YOU CAN FOLD, SPINDLE AND MUTILATE 126th er 140th er 160th er 190ish er 215 er 265ish er 275th Level Tradeskill Main STOP LAUGHING, I MAKE GIMPED LOOK HAWT! No really, a Chef who is 275... and I kill stuff too MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
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Jan 23, '02
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what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
Im just happy they are still working on the thing. Hope they don't stop.
The ultimate end of all revolutionary social change is to establish the sanctity of human life, the dignity of man, the right of every human being to liberty and well-being. Emma Goldman self portrait http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v375/xyzzy11686
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Title: Mithan said I am smart
May 28, '02
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what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
Chef_Wubbie posted:
Xnumt posted: Asking for some feedback as to ETA, or even if anyone is even home is not being impatient. I believe that in the recent months, so little have changed in the memory locations that there was little or no work needed to be done to update Decal with the new offsets.
Nope they change every time there is any change in the game. Even a hotfix can shut Decal down for a while. The client is recompiled each time so there are always changes. (this is my understanding... I'm 99.9% sure I am remembering this right) The ETA is - It will be done when it is done. Xnumt posted: It would also not be bad business to involve new blood if the old is no longer active. It seems there is little movement on the decal boards. It would improve “customer service†if new people, who seem willing to participate were added to the respective roles. I understand vetting may be needed but it should not preclude fresh faces.
I'm sorry the people who are DONATING their time are not moving fast enough to please you. By all means write your own version of Decal from scratch and keep it up to date. This is free software being supported and provided by a small group of people for a game with a diminishing population. Its a hobby, its not a business. That sounds harsh, and its meant to be. The Decal Devs all have lives and real jobs. I'm sorry its not moving at a speed to keep you happy. Its been 1 day, ZOMG think of everything your missing out on. The game still works without Decal, and its not been the months it took when TOD came out for Decal to function again. Wanting it done NOW NOW NOW and stomping your foot, yeah thats good motivation for them. One more time... The update will be done, when its done. wubbie - these are not the official views of the Decal Dev staff or plugin writers.
It's beyond harsh when you actually read what he posted realize that he's trying to be one of those people DONATING (your emphasis) to this project. I don't see anyone on this thread miffed that decal devs aren't working fast enough; they're miffed that they're not being allowed to help. There's other BS in this thread, too. There's lots of open source projects with perpetual fresh blood and a large installed base. Decal isn't quite open source, but it should be.
"... We just need a president to sign this stuff... Pick a Republican with enough working digits to handle a pen to become president." -Grover Norquist . MICHIGAN - Where the trees are the right height!
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Jul 6, '09
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what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
Chef_Wubbie posted:
Xnumt posted: Asking for some feedback as to ETA, or even if anyone is even home is not being impatient.
I believe that in the recent months, so little have changed in the memory locations that there was little or no work needed to be done to update Decal with the new offsets.
Nope they change every time there is any change in the game. Even a hotfix can shut Decal down for a while. The client is recompiled each time so there are always changes. (this is my understanding... I'm 99.9% sure I am remembering this right)
The ETA is - It will be done when it is done.
Xnumt posted: It would also not be bad business to involve new blood if the old is no longer active. It seems there is little movement on the decal boards. It would improve “customer service†if new people, who seem willing to participate were added to the respective roles. I understand vetting may be needed but it should not preclude fresh faces.
I'm sorry the people who are DONATING their time are not moving fast enough to please you. By all means write your own version of Decal from scratch and keep it up to date. This is free software being supported and provided by a small group of people for a game with a diminishing population. Its a hobby, its not a business.
That sounds harsh, and its meant to be. The Decal Devs all have lives and real jobs. I'm sorry its not moving at a speed to keep you happy. Its been 1 day, ZOMG think of everything your missing out on. The game still works without Decal, and its not been the months it took when TOD came out for Decal to function again.
Wanting it done NOW NOW NOW and stomping your foot, yeah thats good motivation for them.
One more time... The update will be done, when its done.
wubbie - these are not the official views of the Decal Dev staff or plugin writers.
You should be ashamed to attack him when he is one of the many others asking to "donate" their time. If the decal devs aren't going to update it in two days why can't they just pass it on to people who are ready and willing. I don't play untill decal is up, there are too many tedious aspects of this game to bother and necessary fixes that turbine should have fixed a long time ago, ie skybox bug.
Testify/TBL/Dagger Demon
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Jun 14, '01
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what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
Maglett_of_FF posted: Decal will be up when it's up man, I may play less than normal but the temps outside are NOT arctic or below so perhaps I should see what this daystar thingee is for once.....
I will obviously rejoice once things are back but as I said above, it's back when it's back.
Thank you Decal Developers for all the work you have done and for any you do in the future. It is VERY much appreciated.
If need be, ignore the impatient ones, we have gotten spoiled with the speed recent patchs have gotten the memloc's up.
Logan Conrad -MT- 221st Level Combat Archer Kal'Aaron -MT- 183rd Level Deadeye Shadow of Logan -MT- 147th Level Combat Archer "I can't stand pain. It hurts me!" - Daffy Duck AC's Best Resource => http://ac.wikkii.net/wiki/ACC_Wiki_Home
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Jan 6, '03
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what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
You should be ashamed to attack him when he is one of the many others asking to "donate" their time. If the decal devs aren't going to update it in two days why can't they just pass it on to people who are ready and willing. I don't play untill decal is up, there are too many tedious aspects of this game to bother and necessary fixes that turbine should have fixed a long time ago, ie skybox bug.
Not update in FOREVER if I was them. Just for that comment alone.
I hope they lock the source code away, turn off any updates to decal and "Shut it down". I use decal every day, it's the only way to have tradebots and buffbots. Turbine even provides a place to place bots. They have never assisted the guys who the decal codeing to my knowledge. I had 5 active accounts, now 2. The 2nd to the last will be turned off next week if I can't have him buffing at the mansion why pay the sub?
I blame the developers of the game for not providing this service so they can have a greater cash flow for multiple accounts.
The Original "Black Sheep Squad" – Formed 2000 Everyone else is just pretending.
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Jul 11, '02
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what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
No if you read what he wrote it was your going to slow let new people do it. Because the current team isn't meeting HIS deadline for wanting it done. He didn't offer his time, he just wants someone new who can do it now now now. Maybe its time to consider its not hitting 1 button and making it happen in 5 min and they are just off cleaning their navels instead of getting you your Decal fix. And as to all of these people offering time, WTF have you been for the last 6 months? The last year? Why is it when you don't have memlocs all these people are ready to help, but when they need to work on the new rendering engine your all not there? Lack of memlocs is not a reason to complain. You get what you pay for after all. But I'm the bad one... yeah... try again... I'm rarely ashamed of what I do, but then I'm not bitching about not having memlocs yet. BTW your updated ETA - When its done its done, but telling them they are doing it wrong MIGHT make it take a bit longer. Insulted programmers tend to not program so good. Its awfully easy to stand outside the project and tell them how its supposed to be done. I'm sure you enjoy people looking over your shoulder saying your doing your job wrong. Have you ever stopped to consider how insulting these types of posts are to people who have put years of work into this project and they thanks they get is... Well WHY ISN'T IT DONE YET ITS BEEN 24 HOURS. Would make me wanna get outta bed to make sure I made that person happy, if by happy we meant cramming C4 and blasting caps into inappropriate locations. wubbie - the views are my own, but I betcha several of the Devs agree...
WARLORD OF THINGS YOU CAN FOLD, SPINDLE AND MUTILATE 126th er 140th er 160th er 190ish er 215 er 265ish er 275th Level Tradeskill Main STOP LAUGHING, I MAKE GIMPED LOOK HAWT! No really, a Chef who is 275... and I kill stuff too MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
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Jul 6, '09
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what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
Strikefast posted:
Not update in FOREVER if I was them. Just for that comment alone.
I hope they lock the source code away, turn off any updates to decal and "Shut it down". I use decal every day, it's the only way to have tradebots and buffbots. Turbine even provides a place to place bots. They have never assisted the guys who the decal codeing to my knowledge. I had 5 active accounts, now 2. The 2nd to the last will be turned off next week if I can't have him buffing at the mansion why pay the sub?
I blame the developers of the game for not providing this service so they can have a greater cash flow for multiple accounts.
Are you even reading what I wrote? All I was saying to the decal devs is that if they do not have the time and resources to update it anymore, they should allow others who do. Mutiple people have offered to help them out.
I greatly appreciate what the decal devs do, without decal I wouldn't be playing, simple as that. There is no way I could play with the horrible skybox bug flashing all day long, especially in PvP. Thanks to decal and virindi which have fixed the bug.
My post was purely in response to the guy flaming someone who is basically offering to help the developers of decal, which I will praise anyone who offers to help them, as some of them might not have the time for it anymore.
Honestly, put on your glasses and read before you respond next time.
Testify/TBL/Dagger Demon
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Jan 6, '03
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what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
So you want them to just hand over code they spent years developing? Just because you want it updated quicker?
Yeah I read what you typed and still can't believe it.
You just don't get that it's their code and they don't have to turn it over to anyone, update it or make you happy in any way.
Go play another game!
The Original "Black Sheep Squad" – Formed 2000 Everyone else is just pretending.
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May 17, '02
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what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
I've Decal's evolution in a very general way an d the following is my understanding on WHY things are the way they are in regards to Decal. I believe I alluded to it, but did not bring up the details of exactly why they may want to know WHO'D helping them before dig into the melocs and such. Decal 'touches' upon part of the game client that could easily be used to cheat or cause serious damage/disruption to the servers, I know I don't want to go back tot eh days where people would crash the landblock servers to dupe things and the like. The Decal Dev's seem to have a understanding with the Turbine Dev's, there are certain client functions that are NOT available (from my broad understanding) as the Turbine Dev's feel that they cause issues when used with the servers, in return the Decal is allowed to continue as an acceptable use under the Turbine's CoC and TOC (ie they do NOT just ban anyone they decide is using Decal, a Third Party Utility) Many, many online games PROHIBIT *ANY* use of a Third Party Utility.... While it's almost painful atm, if you want to help with decal, is to use the path that I recall is there, start by finding out what a new, unknown person can help with, get to know the current members of the Dev's and Earn the trust it takes to get to the point you can do things like the memloc's, I doubt it'll be a fast process tho. I cheerfully admit I have NO coding skills, I would not survive this path :^) I will say that there probably should be more than or 2 people with the memloc tools if possible, would I like to be playing AC with working decal? Yep, obviously it's the only point of following this board and specifically this thread :^)
Edits are for spelling :^) Trophy Compendium http://vnboards.ign.com/message.asp?topic=90389010 /a Devil's Saint says, "what we teach our Children we become" June 3, 2008
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Jul 6, '09
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what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
Strikefast posted: So you want them to just hand over code they spent years developing? Just because you want it updated quicker?
Yeah I read what you typed and still can't believe it.
You just don't get that it's their code and they don't have to turn it over to anyone, update it or make you happy in any way.
Go play another game!
You're very, very foolish if you think it is their code. The developers currently working on Decal are not the original developers, they were passed the torch because the previous developers did not have the time.
If the current developers do not have the time, they should look into getting replacements, there are many willing. Find some trustworthy known people and use them as replacements.
You need to go play another game.
Testify/TBL/Dagger Demon
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what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
Maybe I was not clear, but nowhere did I even intend to imply that the developers are being ‘too slowâ€.
I ask, “How can anyone help?â€
And I said “We have not been told anything, nothing about whether or not anyone on the team even knows about this issueâ€.
Also I would like to point out that offsets don’t move for every re-compiling. Often, if the source remains vitally unchanged, the memory locations don’t. It could be that since October (the last time Decadev has claimed the memlocs have been updated), there may have been little change in the locations prompting a great deal of searching.
In this case, the client may have had its offsets significantly changed, and a great deal of work needs to be done.
That might very well be one of the challenges right now, but none of us know because of the lack of feedback.
I think everyone here appreciate what the volunteers do for us in this case. I don’t see anyone coming close to bashing them. Curiosity and want (none of us NEED Decal), drive our desire to know. There may very well be nothing to say. One of the team members may pop up somewhere (and thus far I have not seen any of them anywhere about this issue), and tell us, “There is nothing to report, it is being worked on.â€
I think even that such statement would go a long way to easing people’s concerns.
Strikefast posted:
I hope they lock the source code away,
As of right now I think the Decal code is indeed not open source. I have searched for it and only find older versions of it from before the move to 3.
It is that that actually concerns me the most. No one inside seems to be at the wheel, and no one outside can simply take over. Without an update from those who currently have the keys, Decal is indeed dead.
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Jan 6, '03
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what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
So you are saying ownership can never transfer?
Once someone else starts working on software it's free and open by default?
Yep you got it I'm the foolish one (because I still play this game) but you sir are just plain stupid.
The Original "Black Sheep Squad" – Formed 2000 Everyone else is just pretending.
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Jul 6, '09
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what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
edit: not even going to bother with someone so clueless as to who owns decal.
Testify/TBL/Dagger Demon
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Title: Silent patriot of the undiscovered country
Jul 25, '01
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what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
Xnumt posted:
It is that that actually concerns me the most. No one inside seems to be at the wheel, and no one outside can simply take over. Without an update from those who currently have the keys, Decal is indeed dead.
Unfortunately with Asheron's Call in critical condition and not too far behind it.
Hamlit the Heartseeker - Sword Hamlit the Handyman - Bow / Craftsman High Lord Hamlit - WarMage Champions of Dereth Allegiance - Morningthaw You were born on 11/02/99 01:02:25
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Jan 23, '02
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what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
This stupid its only been down for a couple of days. Its summer bbq or do something with the family. Get over it.
The ultimate end of all revolutionary social change is to establish the sanctity of human life, the dignity of man, the right of every human being to liberty and well-being. Emma Goldman self portrait http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v375/xyzzy11686
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Jul 2, '02
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what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
Here's the litmus test...
Open your minds...
Now everytime you click the "UPDATE" button on decal, you are charged $1.00.
In this theorectical, you had better bet your ass AND your farm that Decal would have been updated within the hour of the patch being completed--not only this time but everytime.
That said, it IS free. I have no problem for it taking an hour, a day, a week. Whatever.
My problem is the lack of communication from the "team". No one can take 1 minute to post and say blah, blah, blah and it will be done at so and so time? This is just flat out rude.
And I do think, that if no one from the team plays, pass on the code to someone who does, or let them in to help. It is that simple.
N B K's Mage - Level 275, Warlock, Shadow Sprite Slayer, Battle tested and certified! N B K's Buffmaster - Level 275, Filo's Doom Master 03/02/2008 21:44:15, +Envoy Sparker tells you, "Common courtesy is not in the Code of Conduct I'm afraid"
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Title: Punstress
Sep 24, '02
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User ID: 719,834
what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
I'm not even going to try to figure out how it's "rude" for an unpaid development team to not make a post within 48 hours of a rushed through patch.
However, If X is posted once AND nochange is posted thereafter THEN one may assume that a stance remains the same...
From the Decal Development Team:
"We’re not paid to work on Decal, and most of us have jobs of our own. As such, we can’t give a guaranteed timeframe as to when we’ll be ready."
If I handed out candy for free and people started demanding that I do so in their timeframe, I might be tempted to put away the candy and bolt the door.
Many of us can and do play with or without Decal. But My thanks to the devs for what they do.
http://www.thehaven-we.com ****Disclaimer: Any errors in spelling, tact, or diplomacy are transmission errors. . . Diplomacy is the art of saying "nice doggy" until you can find a rock "I don't care if I am a lemming -- I'm not going!!"
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Oct 30, '03
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what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
/clap Pal
Never! Never! Never! take a sleeping pill and a laxative at the same time.
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Jun 14, '01
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what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
Paloma_ posted: I'm not even going to try to figure out how it's "rude" for an unpaid development team to not make a post within 48 hours of a rushed through patch.
However, If X is posted once AND nochange is posted thereafter THEN one may assume that a stance remains the same...
From the Decal Development Team:
"We’re not paid to work on Decal, and most of us have jobs of our own. As such, we can’t give a guaranteed timeframe as to when we’ll be ready."
If I handed out candy for free and people started demanding that I do so in their timeframe, I might be tempted to put away the candy and bolt the door.
Many of us can and do play with or without Decal. But My thanks to the devs for what they do.
Thank you Paloma!
Logan Conrad -MT- 221st Level Combat Archer Kal'Aaron -MT- 183rd Level Deadeye Shadow of Logan -MT- 147th Level Combat Archer "I can't stand pain. It hurts me!" - Daffy Duck AC's Best Resource => http://ac.wikkii.net/wiki/ACC_Wiki_Home
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Title: Ombudsman of Dereth
Jan 7, '04
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what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
I'm surprised it's lasted this long. I can see the day when decal isn't around and just a few hardcore players play on a few servers.
Gengis Con - Xbower, Egam Signeg - Mage Tradesmaster Bilbo - Tink / Trades / Spear Gimp Gengis I, Level 7 on DT. Born 9/1/2003. [General] +Turbine Noworries says, "Yes your creepy man love for Sev on the forums put you in the no go list Gengis"
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Jun 27, '08
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what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
i agree thats its done when its done and i am grateful for their efforts and timeframe. i dont think this was about their work persay but more like there are unemployed ppl asking for jobs.. there are jobs to be done, it seems like a perfect fit ;D
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Jul 2, '02
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what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
well, now....that certainly puts a very different and interesting perspective on things....
Tao Roo Chingon II, grief tank war mage Zathrus, Tao Roo, El Chingon, Will Robinson, Taopoke, Lil Tao, Tao the Mighty Monarch of "The Spirits of the Mountain" established May 21, 2001 on Thistledown "life is short....eat dessert first.."
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Jul 2, '02
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what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
If you can't figure out how it is rude when the "norm" is having it done in hours as opposed to days, and the Devs saying nothing about it, I can't help you.
The decal devs KNOW that some players need for decal to work in order to get the most out of the game for them. They know that those players are waiting. And they say nothing when the "norm" doesn't happen.
The fact that it is free, means nothing. Until they say, Decal is no more, it is implied (from 80 or so previous patches), that it will be up in a few hours. Yes there have a been a few patches where it has taken longer, but, they have always posted something to let us know what's up. Unless I have missed it, I don't see that post this time.
N B K's Mage - Level 275, Warlock, Shadow Sprite Slayer, Battle tested and certified! N B K's Buffmaster - Level 275, Filo's Doom Master 03/02/2008 21:44:15, +Envoy Sparker tells you, "Common courtesy is not in the Code of Conduct I'm afraid"
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Title: The Fury
Sep 5, '07
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what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
Hey what is going on here?
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Jan 6, '03
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what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
Face it, Decal is gone.
The developers have quit AC like many before, they won't give away their hard work.
So, if some of these people offering to help can step up to the plate and just write us a new free application so we can play our favorite game. Please get on that right away ok?
The Original "Black Sheep Squad" – Formed 2000 Everyone else is just pretending.
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Title: Punstress
Sep 24, '02
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User ID: 719,834
what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
NBK, you sound like a crack addict, I swear.
Decal was down for the better part of a year when ToD came out. In the last "80" patches, Decal updates were several days in coming WITHOUT notice from the development team in roughly 20% of the patches. Generally, you don't hear anything UNTIL the updated memlocs are available. Add to that the fact that there wasn't much notice for this patch. I don't know about you, but I don't get called in from vacation or work or illness, etc, for an unplanned update to VOLUNTEER work. And yes, the free part does matter. No one is obligated to continue to provide you with free services, on demand, and on your schedule. You're foaming at the mouth because your FREE PLUGINS don't work. Holy Hannah... Doesn't that strike you as the least bit ODD?! The devs aren't the rude ones here.
Especially since ToD came out, I've kept at least 100 bundles of every arrow type. I'm literate, so I can ID my own loot, almost as fast and at least as reliably as the plugins. And my spellbars have always been set for self-buffing (and buffing others), hunting, questing, and maintaining my vitals on my main.
That said, I'll be happy when I have dungeon light back and I reallllly appreciate MiniMap even more now.
I'll leave you to tweak in peace now. Perhaps you should look for a DRT.
http://www.thehaven-we.com ****Disclaimer: Any errors in spelling, tact, or diplomacy are transmission errors. . . Diplomacy is the art of saying "nice doggy" until you can find a rock "I don't care if I am a lemming -- I'm not going!!"
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Nov 26, '05
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what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
I appreciate the work the devs of Decal do every time I log in. And I contribute to them on paypal when I can.
I believe, since the patch was on Thursday and wasn't announced till Monday or Tuesday, that someone is on vacation. It IS summer. I hope they have a great time, and enjoy every minute of their time away.
AC1, AC2, E&B, Neverwinter Nights, Diablo, AO, DAoC, Horizons, Istaria, WoW, LOtR, Aion, back to AC1 Saints of Solclaim "Wait a minute, I need to help Sakkara find her pants" ~ Nakamuro Zataki CLiKKoSaurus
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Jul 2, '02
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what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
"NBK, you sound like a crack addict, I swear."
Can you at least figure out how RUDE you are?
"No one is obligated to continue to provide you with free services, on demand, and on your schedule."
It's NOT my schedule. Try re-reading things a few times before you reply. THEY created the time-frame by their OWN actions. Do you understand that? It's realy simple.
And you're right (like I already said), they don't have to continue providing the updates. But they should say something, and maybe do the right thing and pass it along to someone else if they aren't going to anymore.
"I don't know about you, but I don't get called in from vacation or work or illness, etc, for an unplanned update to VOLUNTEER work". Do you know what has happened? Enlighten us.
And I am guessing I am glad I don't know what a DRT is. But, maybe you do.
N B K's Mage - Level 275, Warlock, Shadow Sprite Slayer, Battle tested and certified! N B K's Buffmaster - Level 275, Filo's Doom Master 03/02/2008 21:44:15, +Envoy Sparker tells you, "Common courtesy is not in the Code of Conduct I'm afraid"
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what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
I'm hearing a lot of speculation on our server lol! Everything including stuff like:
He's on vacation.
He's been kidnapped.
He's in the hospital.
He's been abducted by aliens.
He gave up on Decal.
He got in a tissy with Turbine over something and is punishing the players.
He's trying to blackmail Turbine into buying Decal.
He's sick of macros and is trying to get rid of them.
He's angry about something and wants Asheron's Call to shut down.
The devil told him not to update the memlocs.
Tom Cruise told him not to update the memlocs.
Chester The Cheeta told him not to update the memlocs.
His girlfriend doesn't like it when he updates the memlocs.
He dropped his laptop with the updater on it in the river while crossing over it on a tightrope.
He didn't check Priceline and got a bad deal on his vacation and William Shatner had Ralphie smash his bowling ball.
He is deceased.
The stories abound and some are rather entertaining. Until he gives us some feedback we won't know. If he never/can't give us feedback we will never know.
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Jul 2, '02
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User ID: 694,007
what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
ColdAvaton posted: I'm hearing a lot of speculation on our server lol! Everything including stuff like:
He's on vacation.
He's been kidnapped.
He's in the hospital.
He's been abducted by aliens.
He gave up on Decal.
He got in a tissy with Turbine over something and is punishing the players.
He's trying to blackmail Turbine into buying Decal.
He's sick of macros and is trying to get rid of them.
He's angry about something and wants Asheron's Call to shut down.
The devil told him not to update the memlocs.
Tom Cruise told him not to update the memlocs.
Chester The Cheeta told him not to update the memlocs.
His girlfriend doesn't like it when he updates the memlocs.
He dropped his laptop with the updater on it in the river while crossing over it on a tightrope.
He didn't check Priceline and got a bad deal on his vacation and William Shatner had Ralphie smash his bowling ball.
He is deceased.
The stories abound and some are rather entertaining. Until he gives us some feedback we won't know. If he never/can't give us feedback we will never know.
I'd buy that for a dollar..
Tao Roo Chingon II, grief tank war mage Zathrus, Tao Roo, El Chingon, Will Robinson, Taopoke, Lil Tao, Tao the Mighty Monarch of "The Spirits of the Mountain" established May 21, 2001 on Thistledown "life is short....eat dessert first.."
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May 23, '04
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User ID: 926,455
what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
Paloma_ posted: I'm not even going to try to figure out how it's "rude" for an unpaid development team to not make a post within 48 hours of a rushed through patch.
However, If X is posted once AND nochange is posted thereafter THEN one may assume that a stance remains the same...
From the Decal Development Team:
"We’re not paid to work on Decal, and most of us have jobs of our own. As such, we can’t give a guaranteed timeframe as to when we’ll be ready."
If I handed out candy for free and people started demanding that I do so in their timeframe, I might be tempted to put away the candy and bolt the door.
Many of us can and do play with or without Decal. But My thanks to the devs for what they do.
I agree with Paloma!
And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. Catriana / Betelgeuse - WE Majielle - VT Maji Elle - Frostfell
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May 23, '04
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User ID: 926,455
what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
ColdAvaton posted: I'm hearing a lot of speculation on our server lol! Everything including stuff like:
He's on vacation.
He's been kidnapped.
He's in the hospital.
He's been abducted by aliens.
He gave up on Decal.
He got in a tissy with Turbine over something and is punishing the players.
He's trying to blackmail Turbine into buying Decal.
He's sick of macros and is trying to get rid of them.
He's angry about something and wants Asheron's Call to shut down.
The devil told him not to update the memlocs.
Tom Cruise told him not to update the memlocs.
Chester The Cheeta told him not to update the memlocs.
His girlfriend doesn't like it when he updates the memlocs.
He dropped his laptop with the updater on it in the river while crossing over it on a tightrope.
He didn't check Priceline and got a bad deal on his vacation and William Shatner had Ralphie smash his bowling ball.
He is deceased.
The stories abound and some are rather entertaining. Until he gives us some feedback we won't know. If he never/can't give us feedback we will never know.
I'll go with the "He's been abducted by aliens." Seems to be the most logical. :P
And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. Catriana / Betelgeuse - WE Majielle - VT Maji Elle - Frostfell
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what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
I am beginning to think like Sakk.
Decal won’t die if there is at least one person to support it. There is at least one person to support it.
The alternative would be to take the code and walk away. Since decal has been a community effort, that seems unlikely as it would be very rude to close up shop without giving others an opportunity to try to support it.
That leaves the person(s) who do the support out on vacation. Or something tragic, but I would much rather it be they are living it up. It seems logical since it is summer, in many parts of the country there is fair weather, and there currently is no school.
We may have to wait up to a couple of weeks for even word if there is indeed only one person who supports decal and they are on holiday.
That personally would suck though, I really like decal
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Jun 7, '09
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what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
I'm not a Decal Dev. I don't represent them in any way, however SOMEONE is working on this.
I can only say I know this, because there are two monarchies on Morningthaw that have been given a semi-working version of the new Decal memlocs. Those monarchies are Kanen Eagle-Eyes, and Ashake. Not all plugins are working with the beta version of the memloc, but ... someone IS working on it.
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Title: Oh bite me!
Mar 15, '05
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what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
He dropped his laptop with the updater on it in the river while crossing over it on a tightrope
My fave by far!
Junior Mayor of the City State of Applesauce Town <3
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Jul 25, '09
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what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
My only concern is people not having decal will open them up to those massive amounts of free tryouts... you find a new poison and poof your sub to AC is gone, and that means no more AC.
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Jul 11, '02
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what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
For everyone who is angry they haven't posted any status updates, have you looked at any older threads about memlocs? They are filled with people complaining about it not being done. Someone kindly used to start a "semioffical" thread every patch so that there would not be 15 different threads complaining about it. Much like getting Decal to work on Vista there was a new thread started by each person who has a problem, and they will not look to see if the question has already been asked. Decal is a small team, and while it has been built on the works of others it is something unique and much different than when it started. Again other than the let new people in comments, which seem to be driven solely by the desire to provide memlocs, I have yet to see one person offering to join to help with development beyond that. I'd be interested to see how many of them are still willing to help once the memlocs are posted. Because of the damage that could be done with Decal, they take their time adding new people. Every member of the current team carries the burden of having all of our trust. You think your game sucks now waiting for memlocs? Imagine a world where Turbine bans Decal because someone did something with the knowledge gained from being on the team. Don't want to see this happen ever again? Get on Turbine and demand they restart the work on the Decal API Zyrca was working on. With an API life becomes simpler. It would be nice to be able to end the pretending that Turbine merely tolerates Decal. Decal has and will continue to add innovation to the game.
WARLORD OF THINGS YOU CAN FOLD, SPINDLE AND MUTILATE 126th er 140th er 160th er 190ish er 215 er 265ish er 275th Level Tradeskill Main STOP LAUGHING, I MAKE GIMPED LOOK HAWT! No really, a Chef who is 275... and I kill stuff too MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
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Title: Punstress
Sep 24, '02
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what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
Thank heavens, Wubbie remembers. It's only recently (as in, this year) that memlocs have been released so quickly. This has NOT been the norm.
http://www.thehaven-we.com ****Disclaimer: Any errors in spelling, tact, or diplomacy are transmission errors. . . Diplomacy is the art of saying "nice doggy" until you can find a rock "I don't care if I am a lemming -- I'm not going!!"
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Jul 11, '02
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what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
I enjoy the fact that they didn't put them on the Decal Website being used to say they;ve been the same since October... Oh BTW they are up... Sorry the guy who normally does it was Moving... Sorry he ruined your lives...
WARLORD OF THINGS YOU CAN FOLD, SPINDLE AND MUTILATE 126th er 140th er 160th er 190ish er 215 er 265ish er 275th Level Tradeskill Main STOP LAUGHING, I MAKE GIMPED LOOK HAWT! No really, a Chef who is 275... and I kill stuff too MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
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what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
I think we got so used to decaldev.com being broken that we just stopped trying. That's why I haven't updated the message on update.decaldev.com yet...
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what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
An API would go a long way to keeping “Decalâ€.
I think we should start a thread like that on the AC General Board.
I would like to thank those who worked on getting Decal up and running again.
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Nov 18, '01
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what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
Decal is not dead, and will not die. Development has continued over the years even if it does not seem like it. Decal developers have NOT simply faded into the sunset and left everyone else high and dry. People have lives...sorry, but that is just the way it is. That does not make them less dedicated or asleep at the wheel.
Virindi --- ****Virindi Plugins FAQ**** http://www.virindi.net/wiki/index.php/Virindi_Plugins_FAQ http://www.virindi.net - Virindi Tank, Follower, Integrator, Reporter, VCS5, XPHelper, Item Tool, HUDs, etc... Decal Core Dev - http://www.decaldev.com
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what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
I don’t want to make this sound belligerent, insulting or attacking, but from the outside it is difficult to see that Decal is not being ignored.
I am certain that there is a disparity from the outside view and the vision within the development and support team sees when it concerns Decal. Everyone understands that this application is supported by individual who are volunteering their time to make others AC experience better, but many may not know what that means.
I think if we wanted to really see how good of support Decal really does have, we could try in game assistance at some time and see how well that works. In my personal experience these two teams appear to have the same level and response of support. I would think that not bad for a volunteer team.
But if one were to go to Decaldev, one would see very little motion from knowledgeable personnel, both from within the team and other members of the community. This creates a perception, accurate or not, that Decal’s support within and without, is fading.
I think user education, and communication is the only way this might be overcome. Both would entail the support team to make some kind of regular appearances on boards each time work is done. It could be as simple as indicating that there is a known patch, memlocs are being worked on, or anything. I think communication would go a long way to dispelling myths, and the added involvement might even encourage more people to create plugins and help support the application.
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Jul 11, '02
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what is going on? 3 willing workers and work going undone for 24 hrs?
The largest problem with Decal and websites, is the amount of time required. I'd rather see them working on Decal and their plugins than making sure a website is updated. This entire board is filled with crowdsourced help for Decal and plugins. Several of the Devs are regular posters, and there are many people who try to help others out. Seems like when there is a real problem, the Devs are here and visible. Up until these Memlocs were unavailable in the timeframe people wanted, no one cared what was going on with Decal. 2 days is not an epic failure of the team, nor should it be the sign of the impending Decalpocolyspe. The user doesn't want an education, I've seen enough posts that can be answered with RTFM to confirm that. 95% of the users haven't been to the Decal website since they DL'd their copy. In the end this all boils down to people being mad something was not done fast enough to please them. Your not entitled to have Decal working 4 hours after patch, it might have happened the last 10 times, but thats not always how it works. Your not entitled to have them posting every 15 minutes a status update about how much longer it will be until they are done. Your not entitled to demand a seat on the team, cause you could do it faster. Your entitled to be the end user of many peoples countless hours of thankless work. Your entitled to tell them thank you. For future reference, when there is a patch - memlocs are being located. They will be made available thru the updater when they are ready. There will be a single post made on this board announcing them being available. Posting asking for memlocs will not make them become located faster. <-- ProTip While you wait please try out the Fingers 9.0 plugin. Its how some of us played the game back before we discovered fire or the wheel... wubbie - never poke sleeping bears or coders....
WARLORD OF THINGS YOU CAN FOLD, SPINDLE AND MUTILATE 126th er 140th er 160th er 190ish er 215 er 265ish er 275th Level Tradeskill Main STOP LAUGHING, I MAKE GIMPED LOOK HAWT! No really, a Chef who is 275... and I kill stuff too MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
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