Author Topic: Vtank question.
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Subject: Vtank question.
Hey folks,

After being away for quite sometime, I decided to try out some ACM's. So far, Vtank has been utterly simple to setup and use, and it works well... except for one problem: from time to time, my mana gets too low to cast Stam to Mana VII. Is there a way that after X number of attempts, the program will then cast like, an emergency spell of stam to mana II to get the ball rolling again?


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Subject: Vtank question.
No, but if you are getting stuck with no mana there are two things I suggest you try:

1) Raise the minimum mana level so that you attempt to regain it sooner
2) Raise the 'hunt' difficulty threshold so that you use lower level spells, which are easier to cast when you have no mana


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Subject: Vtank question.
that is a good idea!
I will try it out!


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Subject: Vtank question.
So, that did the trick. too cool.

Do you have a run-down of what all of the advanced commands do?


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Posts: 6,908
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Subject: Vtank question.
If you click on them, most have a description at the bottom.


****Virindi Plugins FAQ**** - Virindi Tank, Follower, Integrator, Reporter, VCS5, XPHelper, Item Tool, HUDs, etc...
Decal Core Dev -
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