Author Topic: ISO Armor tink plug-in
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Subject: ISO Armor tink plug-in
Is there is a plug-in for Decal that is based on the weapon damage calculator, only does armor pieces? Like for Covenant, to show what tinks are needed to make it the best possible. Thank you for any info.



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Registered: May 24, '03
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Subject: ISO Armor tink plug-in
Funny you should mention that. I've been toying with the idea of adding some sort of Cov tinkering calculator to my Tinkering Calculator. I haven't had the time to work on it and it will take some figuring out so that it is easy to use and to have it still have enough options since not every one will want to tink a piece of cov the same way.


Endy al-Unsane 275 Sword / Endy al-Unsane III 270 Mage
Peerless Endy 275 Mage / Endy Mion 249 Bow
Child of the Quiddity 220 Mage / Vorkosigan 220 UA
Endy Tinkertide 275 Tinkerer
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