Author Topic: Vinny's Review of Australia (the movie)
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Subject: Vinny's Review of Australia (the movie)
Worst movie ever.

Talk about not knowing your audience. I couldn't tell whether or not it was a kids movie, until Mr. Eyecandy used up his one F word ordering a drink. They pitched this movie as an action packed roller coaster, and it was anything but. It was all about showing off Nicole Kidman's limited range of righteous indignation, "Oh look at me, I can clinch my skirt like the best of them!" (note: this was said in obvious faux Australian accent with a "crickey" thrown in for authenticity) (note 2: I realize that she is Australian, but she is that bad of an actor).

The problem with "women empowering" movies is that they are all so two dimensional. Your heroine has a view of how the world should be and through sheer willpower changes everyone else around her to fix whatever injustice she sees. In these movies, she goes through no character development, except maybe trading in her regal and uptight dignity for a regal and uptight indignation. In these movies, the enemy is a caricature of awfulness, usually just a greedy man with misogynistic and racist tendencies that no one can see through other than her. In these movies, kids on her side can break free from grown sidekicks just by pulling on their arms with all their 60lbs of weight. The only thing keeping this from being a Lifetime movie is she was never squealing in rocking boat with three of her hydrophobic friends.

Owell, even with her bad acting she still looks pretty hot -- once you get past the beard.


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Subject: Vinny's Review of Australia (the movie)
I was going to see this, but saw Russel Crowe and decided it's not going to happen. Russel Crowe's only good movie was Gladiator. I have more faith in Obama making a speech without the full assistance of a prompter than I do Russel Crowe making a decent movie.


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Subject: Vinny's Review of Australia (the movie)
I actually liked it. I'm not a Nicole Kiddman fan either.

Russel Crowe Passed on the movie it is Hugh Jackman.


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Subject: Vinny's Review of Australia (the movie)
Then I am very saddened by Wolverine's suckfest.


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Subject: Vinny's Review of Australia (the movie)
You know how I know you're gay?


Lady, people aren't chocolates. D'you know what they are mostly? Bastards. Bastard-coated bastards with bastard filling.
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Subject: Vinny's Review of Australia (the movie)
i'm sorry look up a movie called Bikers or Bikerz, best part of the movie is the cover... that is the worst movie ever


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