Author Topic: Melee won't stop to heal with LTX...
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Subject: Melee won't stop to heal with LTX...
Not a huge deal, but I notice my melee characters will often not stop attacking and switch to the want when they need to heal....I turned off auto-attack to see if that would help, but they end up just standing there with ltx sayign Heal! happy

It's not a huge deal I just double click my want and he'll heal and then resume killing, but a minor annoyance since I am usually running multiple accounts.

If I set him to use kits it seems to work much better, but the length of time he stands in peace mode to heal can really hurt.

Anyone have any ideas on this? (I can post an export if someone thinks that's relative).


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Subject: Melee won't stop to heal with LTX...
Can't LTX be set to heal in combat mode?


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Subject: Melee won't stop to heal with LTX...
I'm pretty sure there's still the option to heal in combat (or not heal in peace, whichever it is) .. and I'm also pretty darn sure you don't need auto-attack on or it won't work right.. LTX will keep auto-attacking.



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Subject: Melee won't stop to heal with LTX...
Yeah. I had tried it both ways. The only difference is when I stop swinging and just stand there....with auto attack on I'll finish killing whatever I started on, and with it off I'll stop as soon as I need to heal.

Thanks for the tip about healing in combat mode....I'll search for that.


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Subject: Melee won't stop to heal with LTX...
this has been broken for a while. Xeon no longer plays so Para said he was going
to pick it up he fixed the level 8 spells but not sure if or when he will get to the
healing problems. cry


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