Author Topic: Mule Trade It! Scan pack finds no items .....
Title: Old Fart
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Registered: Feb 21, '01
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Subject: Mule Trade It! Scan pack finds no items .....
I'd like to run a trade bot on HG but I am having problems.

The down load and install seemed normal useing defaults.

Trade It shows up in Decal and runs in game.

Im not sure of all the configuration parameters and there are no instructions I can find.

In the point section I simpley entered "Trade Note (250,000)" = 1 point

The primary issue is getting items into inventory so that I can price them.

I use the scan pack button, in the text window it basically says scanning packs and scan complete but none of the items in the packs show up. I have selected and de-selected all the radio buttons for item filtering, trying it both ways. I have put at least a few items in every pack. I have disabled or turned off all other plugin's. None of this seems to make any difference at all.

What am I missing here?

Any help appreciated.


Update ... I figured it out ....

On the configuration tab ... you have to scan for packs and specify which to sell items from etc.

I'm still not sure on defining the point system. I am assuming its just the item name such as Trade Note .. etc.

It would be real nice if there were just a few insturctions or a brief manual on this application.


AC and WoW: Tired and Retired
Paramedic, Swift Water Rescue, Public Safety Diver
Registered Nurse
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