Author Topic: Week 5 is up
Title: Inamorata
Posts: 18,636
Registered: Sep 2, '04
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User ID: 963,048
Subject: Week 5 is up
hugs I waited a day to allows a couple of more submissions


Time has stopped before us, the sky cannot ignore us, no one can separate us, for we are all that is left. The echo bounces off me, the shadow lost beside me, there's no more need to pretend, cause now I can begin again

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Title: Frying the Unfriendly Skies
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Subject: Week 5 is up
What? no humping bovine? I am shocked wink


MMORPG junkie: The first trial period is free
The time after that is just an addiction
If you 'ding' and there is no one online to hear it, does it make a sound?
Retired (UO, AC, AC2, CoH/CoV, Vanguard)
Current (Horizons, WoW)
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Title: Inamorata
Posts: 18,636
Registered: Sep 2, '04
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Real Post Cnt: 16,432
User ID: 963,048
Subject: Week 5 is up


Time has stopped before us, the sky cannot ignore us, no one can separate us, for we are all that is left. The echo bounces off me, the shadow lost beside me, there's no more need to pretend, cause now I can begin again

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Title: /Yiffs in Hell [face_furry]
Posts: 68,467
Registered: Nov 30, '02
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User ID: 743,384
Subject: Week 5 is up
The Moose only wants your love...

Well, wants to love you... in the face... osmething...


Vagina Purse: 'A daily blog about what I find inside me' ~Ticky
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