Author Topic: Lifetank, Virindi Tank, any other tank?
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Subject: Lifetank, Virindi Tank, any other tank?
So i've returned to dereth after a long absence and was sad to see Lifetank nerfed. I've also messed around with Virindi Tank which seems to have a lot of great features. Unfortunately, I cant use either to fight most mobs since i'm a mage without Melee Defense - and I use drain health/stamina to survive. Is there any plugin or setting that can rectify this - namely, something that will cast drain-health when I'm on death's bed? Thanks.


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Title: Wu Fez 4 Life!
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Subject: Lifetank, Virindi Tank, any other tank?
what do you mean by lifetank being nerfed?


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Subject: Lifetank, Virindi Tank, any other tank?
they took away some features, including "Drain Health I" for health-refill, apparently to discourage UCM (which seems ironic given that 8-years of the program contributed to UCM problems - and now that dereth is unpopulated), but not sure how that discourages it at all, just makes it annoying for ACMers... especially given that they still have healing for every other class/character.


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Title: Wu Fez 4 Life!
Posts: 12,530
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Subject: Lifetank, Virindi Tank, any other tank?
ah, I dont believe there are any other macro plugins like lifetank or vTank


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Posts: 834
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Subject: Lifetank, Virindi Tank, any other tank?
Lifetank Xi was sorta nerfed, but Lifetank X still has the most automation.


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