Author Topic: What we need is a speedometer
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Subject: What we need is a speedometer
I think it would be kinda cool to have a display in AC that shows how fast you're going in MPH or km/h, and also a trip odometer.

I've estimated that my main character runs about 89 MPH or so... based on how fast it took him to run 1 km. It would be fun to see how fast he runs when burdened or unbuffed, and also how fast things chasing him run.

I'll bet wasps break 100 MPH.


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Subject: What we need is a speedometer
I clocked a Tusker doing 150+ down the back stretch of the Obs Plains once, but I already had a virindi pulled over for unlawful discharge of mana and levitating on private property.

Seriously though, I do remember a run formula being around at one time. Should be easy to calculate a precise max velocity from that. Actual speeds in game would require statistical sampling under controlled conditions to be accurate.


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Subject: What we need is a speedometer
This would be very easy to do with a plugin by just measuring distance traveled over time -- no run formula needed unless you wanted to predict the speed under various circumstances. Unfortunately I don't have an AC subscription, or the time, to do it myself.


[LotRO] Digero (Guardian), Digrim (Burglar), Dignite (LM), Azrea (Hunter) - Landroval
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