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Subject: New version of AC+ released
Well, it's been a while, but I finally managed to find the time to get AC+ up to a releasable state. Here it is:
However, I cannot stress enough that some parts of it are still half way through being upgraded- this version is just so I can get a version released that won't crash when you use the debuff hud. There has been a LOT of internal re-writing, so if anything doesn't work the way it should, let me know.

* The debuff hud won't crash if you've got a cooldown active.
* The sliders that you use to set the minimum health/stam/mana for the vitals monitor has been replaced by marks on the vital bars at the top of the screen. When vitals monitoring's active, right click on the vitals bars to set the thresholds.
* Changing the vulnerability of a creature is now set by the vulnerability indicator to the left of the creature's name at the bottom left of the screen. Click on it to pop up a box allowing you to set a different vulnerability.
* Lots of other stuff 'under the hood' you shouldn't notice.

* It's got a corpse tracking feature. This facility can more or less replace my Corpse Tracker plugin completely. The corpse tracker is available on the information bar as a skull with the number of unopened corpses next to it. Right click on it for options, and left-click to bring up a list of unopened corpses, showing the distance, name, time to expiry, and an icon to remove it from the list.
* I've revamped the way it handles its huds, and added in the ability to include AC style windows. The corpse tracking facility uses a couple of these, and the weapon switcher and creature highlighting features will soon.
* I've added in a sliding block puzzle you can bring up from the information bar. I did this quickly one day to test a feature of the hud handling stuff, and I thought, what the heck, I'll leave it in.

Known Issues:
* The scrollbar on the corpse list isn't fully implemented yet; right now, only the up and down arrows at the top and bottom work.
* Fast target switching sometimes picks a really inappropriate target that's potentially a long way away, or on a different level of a dungeon or something. I'm looking into it.

I've probably missed something, either in the plugin itself or in this post; if I have, let me know. I can't stress enough though, this release is actually half-way through what I'd like to have done before releasing it, so use at your own risk.

Edit: Here's a few screenshots:
Corpse Tracker:
Sliding block puzzle:
Setting vitals vhresholds:
Changing creature vulnerability:



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Subject: New version of AC+ released

Awesome, as it's on my must have list grin


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Subject: New version of AC+ released
kill task count is not showing up nor is filter zero hits.


Gali Nala grin ¤ Izz The Forgotten grin ¤ Lil' Marie grin

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Subject: New version of AC+ released
What other plugins are you running? To do these, AC+ replaces the existing message from AC with something else, if another plugin got there first, AC+ won't do anything.


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Subject: New version of AC+ released
Thanks for your hard work. I really like this plugin.


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Subject: New version of AC+ released
These are the plugins i'm running. Note that these features were working prior to the upgrade. I can post a full export if you'd like.

Plugins, 0, Tings,, {864F2945-A564-4C8D-A36F-0CAF267F7612}
Plugins, 1, GoArrow,, {46BBF551-8578-4A59-B2FB-B5D9F4C719FA}
Plugins, 1, Alinco,, {4338186E-7AE8-4B9E-985D-98D692036EA8}
Plugins, 1, AgentZ,, {359E547B-5302-4134-80F2-3BE5C31EC828}
Plugins, 1, BuffMe,, {22C182F7-DD8E-4894-B7F0-27D52B27DA96}
Plugins, 1, Mob Tracker,, {0C212D60-8708-4043-A09B-E6C0387A0A8D}
Plugins, 1, Decal Hotkey System,, {6B6B9FA8-37DE-4FA3-8C60-52BD6A2F9855}
Plugins, 1, MiniMap,, {92C09018-E815-4C22-987B-8E553154146E}
Plugins, 1, Trophy Hunter 2,, {BD90AFF9-B229-4B4D-A1D3-6A0140FE87EF}
Plugins, 1, SkunkVision,, {B8B64AFD-3D96-490D-A70B-CE962227148A}
Plugins, 1, AC+,, {5ACB7319-8E15-4A4A-A24D-59180DA1DF49}
Plugins, 0, Virindi Tank,, {642F1F48-16BE-48BF-B1D4-286652C4533E}
Plugins, 0, Sort It!,, {70DDE3AE-5ADD-4003-9600-C2F6830D7670}
Plugins, 0, SSSort,, {B9765335-51EC-4C24-AE39-D6E1BA6AE4AD}
Plugins, 1, Target Info,, {BF8C22F4-B172-4922-B3D4-26E6985E87AC}
Plugins, 1, Radar Add-on,, {CA23F8D7-7E71-423A-A928-BC5CDD8FBD96}


Gali Nala grin ¤ Izz The Forgotten grin ¤ Lil' Marie grin

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Crizznizzle: Did you throw all your wealth at it?
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Subject: New version of AC+ released
One thing I've noticed is the plugin "looks" at a weapon, and if it has a self buff on it, will not bring that buff up to be performed. This needs to be fixed if possible, please. Most of us buff our weapons, and the only ones that always have mana are ones with usable majors. Also, if there is a racial requirement on a weapon, it is rarely changed unless the weapon has a major.

Question: how do you remove a weapon/caster once added to the buff list? I see it in yellow, with a circle next to it, but the circle cannot be selected or DEselected for buffing ... or am I just doing it wrong grin

I'm having fun playing with this, thank you happy


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Subject: New version of AC+ released
Hm.. didn't think of that I suppose.. the idea was that it didn't buff anything that didn't need it, without having to create separate profiles for each weapon. I suppose I could add an option to not bother checking and just buff everything. I guess most plugin devs, myself included, will initially design a plugin to fit the way they play- personally I don't like buffing if I don't have to, and I'm usually on the lookout for weapons that will self-buff; I don't think I have any weapons that I don't keep charged with mana to do their own buffs.

If you want to remove a weapon/caster, just remove all the buffs. It'll disappear from the list next time you log in.

Gali, can you try it with Alinco disabled? I'm not 100% sure, but I think it might be causing it problems. It's possible that the reason it worked before the upgrade is that the plugins may have been loading in a different order, and AC+ might have been getting to the message before Alinco previously. Installing a new version can sometimes change the order in which they load. If it's still not doing it, try disabling AgentZ temporarily and see if that affects it.


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Subject: New version of AC+ released
I agree, self buffing weapons are nice, but many do not have them, or do not keep mana in them if they do happy Since one must "activate" the buffs on a particular weapon, could it not just put up a "standard" list of buffs that would be on a weapon and allow the user to select? I suppose there isn't an easy "fix" for this - but I know a lot of folks don't have fully self buffing weapons, and this could be a pain for them to suddenly realize when the mana ran out that their weapon was missing a vital buff.

I've noted that the corpse track is not working for me. Is there something specific I should be doing to enable it?

As far as the other fellow's problem ... I run both Alinco and AgentZ and tried out AC+ tonight down in EO on kill task. It reported XX/250 kills nicely for me from the start. This may be a dumb question, but ... are you flagged for the kill task? I've forgotten to flag many times, so just tossing that out ...

Out of idle curiousity, why are some buffs highlighted in yellow?


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Subject: New version of AC+ released
Ignore me...I'm slow some days before 3rd cup of coffee..


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Subject: New version of AC+ released
Yes, i was flagged. I was doing GY rats and thought initially, hrmmm I know I talked to the guy.

I went and talked again and killed another and still no count. I then unchecked the option in AC+ and killed a rat and could see the regular count from AC.

I will disable the other 2 programs and see if it starts working agian.

Also, is there a way to set the load preference?


Gali Nala grin ¤ Izz The Forgotten grin ¤ Lil' Marie grin

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Crizznizzle: Did you throw all your wealth at it?
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Subject: New version of AC+ released
Hmmm ... I've not been out to GY to see if that works - gives me something to do today! happy I have both programs running without any issues on the quest count, but we might have different things checked as well for the programs to do. My sole problem (that I know of at this time anyway) is the corpse tracking - it's just sitting there looking at me!

If you mean load preference in Decal, I've dragged a program higher up the list if I want it loading earlier, and dropped it where I want it in the DenAgent window. Might give that a try. On my window, AgentZ and Alinco both load prior to AC+ ...


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Subject: New version of AC+ released
Ashake, did you right-click on the corpse icon on the info bar and select 'enable corpse tracking' in the options window? I'm trying to make sure NOTHING is switched on until the user enables it; one of my pet hates is plugins that 'take over' as soon as you install them.

When you say some of the buffs are in yellow, do you mean on the 'skills' buffs tab? If so, it's because they're trained, not spec'd. If you look further down, the untrained ones are in blue. It's just a simple way of distinguishing which are trained and which are spec'd skills.

Also, can you post the plugins section of your export?

Oh, and I'm moving house about 400 miles tomorrow, so I might be a bit out of touch for a few days. Hopefully I'll be back by the weekend.


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Subject: New version of AC+ released
Ahh, nope, didn't enable it, so will do that and see if it works properly! My personal feelings on that would be to enable that one automatically ...

Thanks for the info on the buffs happy Now, weapons - when it adds a weapon it adds a bullet next to it that cannot be clicked on ... is this for a future feature, or just ease of programming? How far before buffs drop do you have the buffing portion set to rebuff? If it is more than 5 minutes, can it be changed to approximately 5 min?

Plugins portion of export for me:

Plugins, 0, Virindi Tank,, {642F1F48-16BE-48BF-B1D4-286652C4533E}
Plugins, 1, GoArrow,, {46BBF551-8578-4A59-B2FB-B5D9F4C719FA}
Plugins, 1, Decal Hotkey System,, {6B6B9FA8-37DE-4FA3-8C60-52BD6A2F9855}
Plugins, 1, Target Info,, {BF8C22F4-B172-4922-B3D4-26E6985E87AC}
Plugins, 0, Make It!,, {70DD2CC6-E638-4F43-9F15-C84A0FC7DC76}
Plugins, 1, Quest Timer,, {BB51962C-2EEE-4E67-A032-EEC1F11E66C8}
Plugins, 1, Decal Color System,, {E1A181D1-5823-408D-AF6D-A5EC28BFE37B}
Plugins, 1, Alinco Buffs,, {58A8364F-99D7-4FE5-BAE9-D0CBF0329055}
Plugins, 1, AgentZ,, {359E547B-5302-4134-80F2-3BE5C31EC828}
Plugins, 1, Alinco,, {4338186E-7AE8-4B9E-985D-98D692036EA8}
Plugins, 0, CastAway,, {4EB455CB-A2DA-44B6-90F2-09517A4B1476}
Plugins, 1, AC+,, {5ACB7319-8E15-4A4A-A24D-59180DA1DF49}
Plugins, 0, LifeTank XI,, {910C0F8E-827A-4E35-A980-50D57D0B1296}
Plugins, 1, MiniMap,, {92C09018-E815-4C22-987B-8E553154146E}
Plugins, 0, Mule Trade It!,, {9D762D6E-6444-485A-B242-C50386013763}
Plugins, 1, SkunkVision,, {B8B64AFD-3D96-490D-A70B-CE962227148A}
Plugins, 0, Spellbar Saver,, {C9D83ECD-28C6-4D9D-B994-984DB26B5C2E}
Plugins, 1, Radar Add-on,, {CA23F8D7-7E71-423A-A928-BC5CDD8FBD96}

I do not run all of these at once. I swap between LTXI and VT, depending on which char I'm playing, and change the configuration of plugs depending on what I'll be doing at a given time. As a general rule, however, GoArrow, Quest Timer, DCS, Alinco Buffs, AgentZ, Alinco, MiniMap, SkunkVision and Radar Add-on are active. Now that I've installed AC+, it will most likely be added to that group. The rest I activate as needed.


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Subject: New version of AC+ released
Well, as I said one of the key design features is that nothing is switched on until the user enables it, but yeah, it doesn't make a lot of sense for the corpse tracker window to be available, or the count on the bar until it is. I was in a bit of a rush to get something stable enough for release, I'll do something tidier in the next version.

The buffs threshold is 5 minutes; right now that's fixed, as is the percentage chance of successfully casting a spell before it'll use it- right now it won't cast a buff unless you've got a 60% better chance, which translates to 14 points higher than the difficulty, or 314 for level 7 spells. I'm going to make those changable soon.

The bullet next to the weapon can't be clicked on simply because the column in the list is a checkbox column, so it puts a checkbox in there. It wouldn't do anything, so I made it not work; just ignore it. Once I've got the buffs interface using the same GUI as the corpse tracking options, I'll do something a bit more sensible with it.


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Subject: New version of AC+ released
Hmmm... I just installed this, and it appears to work OK, but when I open it on the decal bar, the options menu is completely blank. I see the XP hud, the debuffs HUD, the monster HP overlay, etc... but I cant configure anything.... I've tried, rebooting, re-updating decal etc... no help. Any ideas?

Edit: I checked all my characters, and the options show up for 1 mule. Thats it. Weird huh.?

P.S. The technology you're using for the pop up windows and the radar integrations are top notch. If you added a monster detector, and item/salvage locater, i'd drop alinco for good wink


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Subject: New version of AC+ released
Well I figured it out.

In my "C:\Users\Ian\AppData\Roaming\ACPlus" directory, there were a bunch of leftover XML files, probably from an old version of AC+. After I deleted all these files, I logged in and it worked again.

Maybe it would be a good idea to remove or prompt to remove old profiles on install/uninstall.


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Subject: New version of AC+ released
One more question... Is the buffs section still supported? I like how its laid out but there aren't any config options for this. It appears to start buffing, but it never stams to manas and after awhile starts casting level 2s and level 1s. Then I couldn't get it to STOP buffing. The only way I could do it was to relog. LOL. Is there any way to use level 8 spells?


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Subject: New version of AC+ released
Yeah, that's a bit of a design flaw in the buffs system; you probably don't have manage vitals enabled. I thought I'd fixed it so that it's automatically enabled if you've got it maintaining buffs, but I guess that didn't work. It's casting 1s & 2s because it thinks that's the best it can do with the low amount of mana you've got left. Just a thought; were you using the 'buff now' button rather than the maintain buffs option? If so, that might explain it; with the maintain buffs not enabled, it's probably not maintaining vitals either.

There's already a monster detector; I'm working on giving it a better interface at the moment, but right now you can use /ac+ add <monster>, /ac+ remove <monster>, and /ac+ list to use it.

The options menu was coming up blank because it was crashing while trying to load the old files; I didn't think it would cause a crash like that though, I'll have to make the loading process a bit more robust in the next release.

It's still very much a work in progress though, the buffs system was pretty hard to get working to this point and it still needs a fair amount of tweaking.


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Subject: New version of AC+ released
Yep, I was using Buff Now. Thats pretty much the only way I'd use it, I think, which is why I was looking for the stop/pause button. I don't think that reducing buffs from a 7 to a 2 is a good idea because when you're buffing, you really have no use for a lower level buff. I could see this tech being used for a heal or revit though. Good to hear about the critter detect, I'll test it out.

A target pop up window (similar to your corpse pop up window) would be nice too, so you can click on the monster and it selects it, even if its off the radar. I'd use that feature a lot while killing things like grael and the Ward Guardian.

The other thing I noticed that would be cool is to expand the debuff hud to include monsters. In alinco, if nothing is selected (or me) it shows MY debuffs, however if a monster or other player is selected, it shows their debuffs. That would make this extremely hand for things like colloseum, or graveyard hunting when you have other people vulning for you.


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Subject: New version of AC+ released
Heh, pretty much all of that's either a work in progress, or already there! Check DHS for the 'stop buffing, 'start buffing' and 'pause/resume buffing' hotkeys.


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Subject: New version of AC+ released
Awesome, well I'll quit bugging you then wink Good work.


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