Author Topic: Virindi-Tank
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Subject: Virindi-Tank
7/14/2008 10:49:47 PM
PC == null? False
C == null? False
VTank version:
Error: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
Source: Decal.Interop.Filters
Stack: at Decal.Interop.Filters.WorldObjectClass.LongExists(LongValueKey index, Int32& pValue)
at Decal.Adapter.Wrappers.WorldObject.Exists(LongValueKey index)
at ck.a(Object A_0, ChangeObjectEventArgs A_1)

7/14/2008 10:49:47 PM
PC == null? False
C == null? False
VTank version:
Error: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
Source: Decal.Interop.Filters
Stack: at Decal.Interop.Filters.WorldObjectClass.LongExists(LongValueKey index, Int32& pValue)
at Decal.Adapter.Wrappers.WorldObject.Exists(LongValueKey index)
at ck.a(Object A_0, ChangeObjectEventArgs A_1)

7/14/2008 10:49:47 PM
PC == null? False
C == null? False
VTank version:
Error: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
Source: Decal.Interop.Filters
Stack: at Decal.Interop.Filters.WorldObjectClass.LongExists(LongValueKey index, Int32& pValue)
at Decal.Adapter.Wrappers.WorldObject.Exists(LongValueKey index)
at ck.a(Object A_0, ChangeObjectEventArgs A_1)

The above is a copy of the error txt and I thought you would want to know about it.... I have no idea what it all means but then I am not a programer.


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Posts: 6,908
Registered: Nov 18, '01
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User ID: 511,923
Subject: Virindi-Tank
Did this occur when using a vendor and (probably) while running AgentZ? I've heard that that sometimes happens...I haven't been able to make it happen for me, though.


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