This is not a complete archive, time didn't allot us the
opportunity to properly backup the majority of the boards
deemed "expendable". Most boards on this list have at least
20-40 pages archived (non-logged in pages, 15 topics per
Popular boards may have as many as 250 pages archived at 50
topics per page, while others deemed of historical
signifigance may be archived in their entirety.
We may not agree with how the board shutdown was managed, but
we've done what we could to preserve some of its history in
lieu of that.
Please enjoy the archive. ~
Managers, Moderators, VIP's, and regular posters.
Extended Info (if available) Real Post Cnt: 31,007 User ID: 46,829
Subject:We have success!
Woho awesome!
'God is an imaginary friend for grownups.', Walter Crewes (Morgan Freeman), The Big Bounce Don't be afraid to ask dumb questions they're easier to handle than dumb mistakes! Xbox 360 Gamer Tag: SteelwindOo e93% a53% s33% k13%
Extended Info (if available) Real Post Cnt: 8,825 User ID: 471,046
Subject:We have success!
yummy! nothing better than a warm from the sun just picked strawberry
WoW Ayla Hunter, Lightbringer, Z Guild May the forces of evil become confused while your arrow is on its way to the target. ~George Carlin~ A'yla level 126 UA AC FF