Author Topic: Idea for plugin rattling around in my head....
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Subject: Idea for plugin rattling around in my head....
So I know as a community we have...

- direction giving plugins/stand alones to compute routes.
- ingame map addons that show where we have been and layouts.

So this idea in my head is prolly a little odd but -

A plugin that can pull from a list of "instructions" on finding your way thru dungeons.

ie - If memory serves me Grevious Nidus (sp) - Straight, left, right, right, right, right, right, jump, west, left, right. and boom your in the Hollow Bug Room.

If someone "recorded" the path/pattern to certain things would it be possible to relay that information in some usable format to a different user using the same plugin?

Would be useful for like Crystal Mines Extreme, where not many people go any more and the path isn't a straight line. Or Arwic Mines to get pet golem pieces...

this possible or as I just cracked out?



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Subject: Idea for plugin rattling around in my head....
Why not just have a plugin that gives you a giant arrow pointing to where to go...inside the dungeon tongue


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Subject: Idea for plugin rattling around in my head....
Even better: Have a plugin that draws a line through the dungeon

Would be fairly straight forward to create the path and the D3D capabilities should be able to draw the line.

Recording the paths and then having somewhere to upload them would take more time...


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Subject: Idea for plugin rattling around in my head....
Yeah, that was pretty much what I meant. I've thought about doing that but it seemed like dungeon navigation was already easy enough when you have maps for everything.


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Subject: Idea for plugin rattling around in my head....
VI - maps don't always have mapped out paths shown on them and you need to read it and trace what you think the path might be.
Some people can't tab out without crashing, and trying to print every map you need takes a bit to much effort.

I was thinking an arrow and maybe a line of text or some indicator of like open door, or wait for door to open sorts of things.

This has been rattling around for a while, since the pet golems first launched, and you have to drag yourself thru old old dungeons that no one remembers the routes thru.
I could write all of these things down in my lightweight tome, and some things I have, but I was thinking about how to make something more usable/shareable.

The scary thing is, the directions for Grevious I posted look right on my mini post it on my monitor.

It might not be something someone wants to make, I was just thinking about it.

A path trailing thru the dungeon would be cool, sorta like the EQ find feature.
But an arrow with small instructions triggered by getting to an in dungeon coord would be cool too.

I'm not sure if there are coords in dungeons to even reference.

We've all done the Focusing Potato a couple times by now, Me I got lockpick so I always end up on the button patrol and without fail I ALWAYS get lost working the buttons. Was just thinking how cool something like this would be.

So I gather it might be possible, but is it likely or necessary is the question?



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Subject: Idea for plugin rattling around in my head....
i think it would be very cool but probably a little impracticable to keep up with. I would think just having some sort of ingame help/dungeon map utility would be just as fine. If you run minimap it is really easy to see where you are headed must of the time, and if you could pull up something like a help window, with at least instructions it would be awesome. So think of a little box with just the left, right, left, past the golems, left, jump down, watch out for the bad chef, perch archers here, etc.... Have this were I could edit files out of game in notepad, and have the name auto updaged in my decal plugin helper. So lets say I wanted one of these cheats for gman... i could make gman.txt in the helper plug dir and then in game it shows up as gman and I select it, or even type in a command line /helper gman and up on the screen I can see my helper stuff.

This to mean would probalby be much easier than what you are trying to do and probably almost as effective. Later you could add jpgs for maps too...

just my .02


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Subject: Idea for plugin rattling around in my head....
I have a couple of things I use text loadfiles for, as AC does have it's /loadfile (name).txt that is the same as typing in whatever is contained in thew .txt file.
I have popilated the friends list across all the toon's on 2 accounts, type it up once and load each toon in and doing a /loadfile friend1.txt ( a6 toon's much typing saved). I also have one with a quick remind of the a few things that newcomers to the allegiance I'm need to know that's my /loadfile coc.txt.

I lost track of the in-game help modifications that were going on, it's seem to have gone the way of the dodo bird.


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Subject: Idea for plugin rattling around in my head....
you mean the quest files mag?

I still have the files for that and all

just no website


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Subject: Idea for plugin rattling around in my head....
Or you could get a hold of the source to Radar Addon and give it a GUI to load dungeons, and then in the radar it will show say red for where you are supposed to go and blue for where you have gone and green if you are on the right track or something or another. In the GUI you would choose the dungeon you are in from the drop down box and people would have to submit the ways through the dungeons as things go. Would definitely work and I have thought of it a lot as of lately :P


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Subject: Idea for plugin rattling around in my head....
You don't need the source for Radar add-on for that, it's got a fully documented API, and it's actually designed with the intention of allowing other plugins to use the radar.

I'm actually thinking about adding in routefinding capabilities into MiniMap, but the biggest problem with doing that (aside from finding the time) is it wouldn't be able to take into account locked or levered doors, or even one-way routes such as jumping down. If I get a chance inbetween fixing up AC+ and changing diapers, I'll maybe look into it.


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Subject: Idea for plugin rattling around in my head....
I can't code, I just spin out cracked out ideas sometimes.

I think the discussion of how it could be done and problems and trying to think of solutions around them is a good thing.

I think there could be a useful way to do this.
Being able to access the API for the radar plugin would be intresting. Make the path red, and at certain points pop up short instruction bits.

Are their coords in dungeons?
if there aren't then this is sorta a moot point and can just write things on parachments to share.

Hey VI on a totally off the wall side note...
Once upon a time Imp Inventory had some item movement commands.
Would let you type in like /imp move 5,7 - move 5 items to pack 7
/imp sell 6 - put first 6 things into sell window etc...
it let you load trade windows with certain amounts of things and woudl even let you fill/empty chests and the like...
How hard is this type on thing under Decal 3/TOD?

I am just curious because when I am selling like 1k (10 stacks) of shrooms and things it gets annoying dragging things over to the window 1 at a time... since they all stack in my top of the pack would be hot to just type in /cmd trade 10 and it would load the items into the trade window...



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Subject: Idea for plugin rattling around in my head....
Thorfinn_Sigurdssen posted:
You don't need the source for Radar add-on for that, it's got a fully documented API, and it's actually designed with the intention of allowing other plugins to use the radar. I'm actually thinking about adding in routefinding capabilities into MiniMap, but the biggest problem with doing that (aside from finding the time) is it wouldn't be able to take into account locked or levered doors, or even one-way routes such as jumping down. If I get a chance inbetween fixing up AC+ and changing diapers, I'll maybe look into it.
I was thinking about doing something similar in GoArrow, but I was having trouble decoding the dungeon geometry -- so you're already a big step ahead of me there grin . You should be able to use heuristics to determine places where you can jump down inside a dungeon.

As for locked doors, those would have to be added manually, or just ignored -- sometimes the route you have to take to pull levers, etc. can be complicated and it'd be too much for a route-finding algorithm (unless you wanted to spend tons of time on it tongue ). I suppose one option would be to allow people to submit custom routes which would override the calculated route, but even creating the UI to make the custom routes could be a pain.

Chef_Wubbie posted:
Are their coords in dungeons? if there aren't then this is sorta a moot point and can just write things on parachments to share.
In short, yes. Every point in the AC world is specified by a landblock and x/y/z offset inside the landblock. On the surface, these are translated into coordinates. Points inside a dungeon can just be referenced by the x/y/z offsets for the specific dungeon's landblock (aka dungeon ID).


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Subject: Idea for plugin rattling around in my head....
>> I was thinking about doing something similar in GoArrow, but I was having trouble decoding the dungeon geometry -- so you're already a big step ahead of me there

Yes, that was a stumbling block for me, too. I was able to figure out the format for the cell files specifying the dungeon, but not the block templates in of yet, at least.


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Subject: Idea for plugin rattling around in my head....
If you let users create the paths, you could also have them add notes.

One way would be to do a series of waypoints (on a timer, new waypoint created every 5m or something).
After the path has been recorded, can then create a 10 D3D objects, with 1 on each of the next 10 waypoints in the list, just keep moving them up the list as the toon moves. Would be like following a trail of breadcrumbs through a dungeon.

And could also have user added notes displayed at the waypoint in which they were added... like floating signs: Flip this lever, This door opened by lever 6, etc.

I think this could be fairly straight forward to do and a real boon for some quests.


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Subject: Idea for plugin rattling around in my head....
Xeon_Xarid - that sounds cool but really complicated, remember I'm a psychotic end user not a programmer so I am sometimes wrong. The "simple" plugins are sometimes the most complicated, and some of the "complicated" plugins are really simple so I dunno.

Ok Digero says we have coords. This is a good thing.
I think a "routing" interface could be easy enough to make user freindly.

I am running dungeon path v1.0...
I am in Grevious Nidus.
I portal in the plugin snags the dungeon ID and puts up the name.
I click the tab for create new route.
Now we all know this route is...
Straight, Left, Right, Right, Right, Right, Right, Jump, Go West, then Right.
At each point I turn, I hit a Left/Right/Straight Button to record in the data file the proper direction.
When I get to the jump, I hit the "special button" and I can type in x instructions. ie Jump Down here then face West.
Then I input the rest of the instructions.
I hit save.
I portal recall up top because the route is in the datafiles it autoloads and there is an arrow pointing the right way to follow.
I get to the jump and a small text window under the arrow says Jump down here face west.
It then directs me to my desitnation.

I am unsure if there are dungeons that require 3 sets of instructions or not.
Potato needs 2. Main Path and Lockpicker Path.
By allowing a special button text input you can tell them things like... to do this part you should have lockpick and be quick. or this door is closed, wait for it to be opened by other person.

While it would be awesome for all of this to just be provided to the players, I think putting the end product into their hands makes it more valuable. If there is a "bad" entry in the list there could be a button for this routing failed. Enough of those hit and it gets deleted or flagged for review. Sometimes community projects can work happy

wubbie - who misses the Imp Move commands


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