Author Topic: I killed my daughter's flowers...but redeemed myself
Title: Purple Princess
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Subject: I killed my daughter's flowers...but redeemed myself
I forgot to water them for 2 days while she was gone with my husband out-of-town. Oh, I sure heard about it when she saw them. I felt so bad. She had planted wildflower seeds and one had just bloomed before they all dried up.

Today I went by the university greenhouse where all the bedding plants were 75% off. I bought her 3 different flowers. I'll have to look up what they are later. We planted them tonight and she told me I'm not to touch them because she doesn't want them to die.

I tried to tell her I can't grow flowers. Vegetables I can do but not flowers. They were so cheap (less than $3 total) that tomorrow we're going to get 2-3 more flowers. I really hope these will be ok. She's so proud of them. happy


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Subject: I killed my daughter's flowers...but redeemed myself
Nice comeback now stay away from them or risk her wrath! angry


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Title: Camelot Vault Staff
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Subject: I killed my daughter's flowers...but redeemed myself
i think i killed my husband's bonsai tree because i forgot to water it. hopefully i didn't worried

so i feel for you!


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Title: GW Vault SM

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Subject: I killed my daughter's flowers...but redeemed myself
-Chanell- posted:
i think i killed my husband's bonsai tree because i forgot to water it. hopefully i didn't worried

so i feel for you!

I've killed a great many of them in my attempts to grow one, this time i'm trying with an oak tree which seems to be doing better than the pine that i've tried in the past.


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