Author Topic: LTx or LTxi not fellowing?
Title: /Yiffs in Hell [face_furry]
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Subject: LTx or LTxi not fellowing?
Hiya, just noticed this last night, but for some odd reason I cannot seem to get the auto fellow to... fellow...

I've tried in Eaters, and Fiuns, gone to everybody in the dungeon and asked them to fellow me, they all go through the process and then nothing happens.

Is it simply because the fellow is closed/full? If so is there any way we could get LTx or xi to tell them this when they give the fellow Command

Something simply like "Hello, I cannot fellow you as this fellow is closed. The Current Leader is Webscar."


Thanks for looking grin

Oh, and while I have you attention, I was wondering if you can currently set up LTx or xi to use Mana Potions instead of S2M? Also if it would be possible to tell it to use _____ Item, with a set timer?


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Subject: LTx or LTxi not fellowing?
fellow is prolly closed

and im pretty sure you also have to leave the fellowship panel open to add someone using ltx, not sure if they changed that tho


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Title: /Yiffs in Hell [face_furry]
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Subject: LTx or LTxi not fellowing?
I think thats only for healing


Vagina Purse: 'A daily blog about what I find inside me' ~Ticky
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Subject: LTx or LTxi not fellowing?
Webscar posted:
Is it simply because the fellow is closed/full? If so is there any way we could get LTx or xi to tell them this when they give the fellow Command
Something simply like "Hello, I cannot fellow you as this fellow is closed. The Current Leader is Webscar."
Fellow is closed. If it's full, it will tell you it full.
I'd have to look at the network code to see if there is anything about fellow state (closed, open, etc), if there is I suppose I should add that as a response as well.

Webscar posted:
Oh, and while I have you attention, I was wondering if you can currently set up LTx or xi to use Mana Potions instead of S2M? Also if it would be possible to tell it to use _____ Item, with a set timer?
No and no plans to add that either.


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Subject: LTx or LTxi not fellowing?
What the problem could possibly be is the hole fellow was alt tabed and it goes throught all the motions and wont fellow ya


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