Author Topic: Squire info
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Subject: Squire info
Squire, it's a great program.

However, it seems it has problems detecting whether or not a piece of armor is actually activated or not.

As in, with several of my chars, it says the armor they are wearing is actively drawing mana, even when they are not.

Is this plugin actively supported?


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Subject: Squire info
Yeah, although I've not got a lot of free time right now to do anything other than minor fixes.

There is no direct information on whether or not a piece of kit's active, Squire makes an educated guess based on what spells the armor casts and what active spells it can see, both on the player and on the armor itself. If all the spells a piece of armor casts are already active from other sources, it may (and probably does) assume that it's active, even if it wasn't that piece of armor that cast the spells. I've been looking into ways of making this more robust, but it's taken a bit of a back seat at the moment.


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Subject: Squire info
Thanks for the reply. It does work with some armor and not other, didn't realize it wasn't a 1 to 1 correlation. Thank you for the effort you've already put into it.


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Subject: Squire info
didnt have much luck getting this working either


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Posts: 635
Registered: Dec 26, '06
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Real Post Cnt: 627
User ID: 1,193,895
Subject: Squire info
Would it be possible to simply add the ability to stop an item from being active by clicking on the green circle? That is, if you id the item and squire thinks its active, but its not, you simply click the green circle and that will stop it from counting down?

I don't have any coding skills, so take it for what its worth.

Thanks again!


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