Author Topic: Working on a calculator update - any requests/suggestions?
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Subject: Working on a calculator update - any requests/suggestions?

For those of you who have downloaded my calculator at, I hope you have found it easy to use and helpful.

In anticipation of new max damage weapons, I've since added a granite-iron page and am in the process of finalizing the calculations for creatures with negative armor. The calculations compare RR, AR, CS, CB and No Imbue based on skills, vulns, creature AL, rabbit's feet and spectral force. I have also included a reverse tink section that will let you see what all the possible original damages were fo a partially/fully tinked weapon.

I also added to the descriptions on the tinkering page whether something is an imbue and what it's difficulty factor is and lined up the text on the other tabs.

I can't promise anything because my programming skills are elementary (e.g. I can't make the form smaller with scroll bars - i tried), but does anyone have any suggestions or requests for the next and probably the last version?



The Cleaner - UA/XBow - Growing Naturally
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