Title: Wat do?
Sep 15, '04
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Veggie garden pics (56k prolly not)
Here are pics of what I have going so far with my veggie garden.
These are all my pepper plants. There are 12 jalapeno plants, 3 habanero plants, 5 kung pao pepper plants, 3 purple beauty bell peppers, and two red hot cherry pepper plants. I have them all marked so I know which are which lol. They'll be ready to plant outdoors in roughly 4 weeks.
These are all the garden beds I have set up so far. There are 4 raised beds in the picture, two of them filled with dirt. Today or tomorrow I'll be filling the other two with dirt (with weed fabric at the bottom so grass etc doesn't grow through) and in a couple weeks I'll be building two more beds for a total of six. There are a bunch of flowering plants next to the right hand beds...those are scheduled to go into the front-yard garden as soon as it stops raining! The plastic bins have lettuce and spinach in them, but they have died and I need to re-seed them. I put them in buckets because each bucket will grow about a dinner or two worth of salad greens (baby greens...much sweeter than full-grown lettuce) for our family, and this helps me accurately gauge how much I'm growing. I did it successfully last year but I started them when it was slightly warmer.
These are my pea plants. The ones in the back are vining peas. I need to get some support structures for them to climb on. The ones in the front are bush varieties and won't need support.
In between the pea plants I seeded carrots. I put two varieties in...thumbelina carrots (which are small and round like a golf ball) and purple carrots on the other side. You can see one of the pea plants to the left, and then if you look closely you'll see what looks almost like tiny grass sprouts...those are the carrot tops. Carrots and peas grow really well next to each other which is why I planted them this way.
One of my sisters has a friend whose parents were literally tearing up all their blackberry bushes along the fence so they could put up a new fence. This friend saved and took home a bunch of the blackberry canes for herself and asked my sister if she wanted some too. My sister is helping me with the garden and knew I wanted blackberry bushes so she jumped at the chance! She brought home six canes which we planted right away. It's a thornless blackberry bush variety that has grown like mad for years at the parents place. We were told to expect the canes that we planted to die back at the top, but that the roots will send out runners that will sprout new canes. There are only two in the picture here but we planted a total of six along the fence line. All these are along the fence to the right of the veggie beds.
I don't have pics of the tomato starts at my sister's place but she has the tomatoes going for the garden here. The other garden bed next to the peas has corn planted in it which should sprout in a couple weeks iirc, and when it sprouts we'll plant bush bean plants in between the three rows of corn. The bed next to that will have cucumbers planted in it within the week. The three beds in the front (one existing and two to be built) will have peppers in one, tomatoes in another, and pumpkins and watermelons in the last one.
Whew! It's a lot of work but worth it
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Title: Camelot Vault Staff Assistant SM
Jun 27, '06
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Veggie garden pics (56k prolly not)
omg gaevy! I love it. those are some gorgeous plants
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Title: Moderator Ãœber Brat
May 29, '02
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Veggie garden pics (56k prolly not)
lots of good stuff for the winter months
Long suffering vassal to Xarkath, U.P. - Forever and ever
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May 28, '03
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Veggie garden pics (56k prolly not)
Wow they look wonderful. I'm so jealous. We are still under at least a foot of snow, some places deeper where it has drifted.
Lucrenda, NE Druid, Lightbringer Lucrenda, AC1 - Frostfell - retired Strahd says, "Can't you see I'm leading 50+ people to their deaths?" Lucrenda & Cere married in RL June 2005
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Title: Wat do?
Sep 15, '04
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Veggie garden pics (56k prolly not)
We got SNOW last night!! I took those pictures yesterday afternoon, and by 10pm there was two inches of wet slushy sticky snow everywhere!!! My sister and I rushed to cover all the plants in the back yard. I think they're fact I think the snow over the frost protection blanket was probably insulating but I'm still a little nervous lol. By 7 am this morning all of the snow and frost was gone except for a tiny bit on the rooftops. I still can't believe it. March, in TEXAS, and we got snow!!! /grumble
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May 28, '03
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Veggie garden pics (56k prolly not)
I have several relatives that live in Texas and they have been bragging about getting their garden out as well. Here in Iowa we have to wait to April and May.
Lucrenda, NE Druid, Lightbringer Lucrenda, AC1 - Frostfell - retired Strahd says, "Can't you see I'm leading 50+ people to their deaths?" Lucrenda & Cere married in RL June 2005
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Title: Wat do?
Sep 15, '04
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Veggie garden pics (56k prolly not)
It's snowing again today lolol. I knew there was a 50% chance of snow today, so I went out this morning to look at the sky, and decided I would not remove the frost covers that I'd set out the night before over my plants. Good decision too...considering that right now there is about THREE INCHES of snow over the ground. Damn!
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Oct 21, '02
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Veggie garden pics (56k prolly not)
wow, sorry about that snow..
nice garden tho, I miss having a garden..
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Oct 25, '01
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Veggie garden pics (56k prolly not)
Now that I've been in my house for coming on a second spring, it's time to think about gardening. I just have to find some way to keep the dog from eating the tomatoes off the vine.
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Title: Wat do?
Sep 15, '04
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Veggie garden pics (56k prolly not)
lol! My dog isn't allowed in the back yard anymore without direct supervision. I don't want him ruining my veggies hehe. My sister and I filled another one of the raised beds with dirt today and we planed all the tomatoes she had planted a few weeks back indoors. They look absolutely gorgeous. We did the "sideways" planting method where you lay the plants in the hole...well...sideways! My sister's tomatoes last year were planted that way and they were absolutely gorgeous and monstrously healthy. They *are* on the ground that way but she didn't have any insect problems or any issues with rotting fruit so we're doing it the same way this year!
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Title: Purple Princess
May 18, '02
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Veggie garden pics (56k prolly not)
I've never heard of planting tomatoes sideways. Does it take up more room when you plant them sideways?
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Title: Wat do?
Sep 15, '04
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Veggie garden pics (56k prolly not)
Probably, since the tomatoes will be growing along the ground as opposed to upright in a tomato cage or trellis. However, I always grew my tomatoes upright and never had such an amazing yield as my sister got. Could be due to a number of things but I'm all for trying it her way!
"Bury tomato plants deeper than they come in the pot, all the way up to a few top leaves. Tomatoes are able to develop roots all along their stems. You can either dig a deeper hole or simply dig a shallow tunnel and lay the plant sideways. It will straighten up and grow toward the sun. Be careful not to drive your pole or cage into the stem."
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Title: Camelot Vault Staff Assistant SM
Jun 27, '06
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Veggie garden pics (56k prolly not)
I think I may have to try it!
I brought my citrus trees out of the garage yesterday. Was so excited about that.
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Title: Wat do?
Sep 15, '04
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Veggie garden pics (56k prolly not)
I' Instead of working in the veggie garden I was working almost all day in my front yard garden. Moving plants, taking out dead ones, putting in new ones. It's gorgeous though; I'm so pleased with it. I have a little strip along the sidewalk by my house left to do, but it'll have to wait till later this evening when it cools down, or maybe tomorrow morning.
Started hardening off my peppers today also. I think they'll be ready to plant outside in a week.
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Veggie garden pics (56k prolly not)
Just wanted to mention in case you didn't think of it that peppers cross pollinate. I forget how many feet they need to be apart to make sure it doesn't happen but I know if they are 10-20 feet away from each other, that you never know what the insects will do. They may cross, they may not. I really think it's some thing like 300 yards apart to be perfectly safe.
If you plant peppers right next to each other they definitely will cross breed.
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Title: Wat do?
Sep 15, '04
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Veggie garden pics (56k prolly not)
Oooh I did not know that...good point! I don't think it'll be a concern though because I don't think my peppers will make it I didn't harden them off properly, or long enough, or something, and they have all pretty much bit the dust. It's been a learning experience however, and I don't grudge the failures especially since we've had so much more in the way of successes so far!
I'm having trouble finding my camera But once I do I'll take some updated pics of everything!
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Veggie garden pics (56k prolly not)
One site I just visited said 500 feet apart. You can cover the plants with fancy bags to prevent insects from cross pollinating them. The down sides are expense and also the fact that you will have to pollinate the flowers your self with a pipe cleaner or small paint brush.
I don't ever try to cross peppers but have had it happen on accident before. Last year my cayenne bush crossed with an habanero. Fortunately the hab didn't cross. I ate the super hot, oddly shaped cayennes. lol.
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Veggie garden pics (56k prolly not)
Oh and almost forgot to tell you that most chili gardeners do not grow from seeds. They just buy the plants at the nursery, and quite often they have already been hardened off in the sun out side the green house.
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Title: Wat do?
Sep 15, '04
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Veggie garden pics (56k prolly not)
500 feet??? LOL never gonna happen in my back yard. The whole thing isn't much more than 50 feet across. I guess I'll either have to do one pepper variety at a time or cover the flowers and pollinate myself. The growing from seed was easy but this was my first time trying to harden anything off. I'd buy the plants from the nursery but they don't have the varieties I want.
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You can order the plants from the internet. I'm sure google will turn up a large variety of sources.
Also if you want to try to grow peppers with out crossing them and with out using the netting, then my advice is to plant only two varieties and on opposite sides of the yard. Some times it works, and some times it don't. You may like the hybrids any way.
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Title: Wat do?
Sep 15, '04
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Veggie garden pics (56k prolly not)
That's true, I hadn't thought of actually ordering the plants themselves off the net. I ordered some Boston Ivy that way last fall and the plants are doing fabulously. Seeding the peppers was no problem...they all sprang up nicely...I think I just waited waaaaay too long to begin hardening them off. It was a new experience, and I don't mind the failures as long as I learn from em I have lots of seeds left so I'll try again!
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Title: Wat do?
Sep 15, '04
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Veggie garden pics (56k prolly not)
I posted pics a while back on the veggie garden I started this year. Here's the updated garden!
Before, I didn't even have all 6 beds built, but they're all finished now. I also have a little fence around the whole thing to keep rabbits out. I found rabbits in and around my yard so I researched how to keep em out of the veggies and a 2 foot high fence is the recommendation. Each of the garden beds is 8 feet long, 4 feet wide.
Off to the right hand side of the veggie beds, by the fence, are the blackberry canes my sister and I planted. We thought they would die off this year aboveground but that the roots would live and send out shoots next year. We were wrong! All but one of the canes put out leaves and three of the six canes have flowered as well. This is the one that's furthest along...there's little berries there! If all the canes produce blackberries we might get a whole handful this year But that's a lot more than the nothing we expected!
Here are the tomatoes. We have several varieties going. We did lose a few plants to wind, but we have replanted most of them. You can't see it, but there are seedlings coming up in the bare spot in the front, and we have a couple containers just behind the tomato bed also. In the close-up, these are the tomatoes furthest along. They're the Snow White variety and are a cherry-size tomato. I don't know why they call them snow white because they ripen to a nice golden yellow. These are already starting to turn yellow. I can't wait!
Now for the peas and pride and joy! I've never grown either but they're both thriving. I've actually harvested some of the peas already...omg sooooo tasty. They're sugar snap peas so you eat the pod and everything. The peas in the close-up aren't ready to be picked but it'll only be another day or two before they are ready!
Here are the corn and beans. Some of the corn is springing up a lot faster than the other plants, but they're all growing and seem to be doing well. It's been a bit chillier this spring than I expected so they probably won't be ready as soon as I hope but I'm still pleased with the progress thus far. The bean plants are the leafy things in between the 3 rows of corn.
Lastly, here are the peppers and cucumbers (peppers to the right, cukes to the left). The cukes have just started to grow but the peppers are already beginning to flower. I didn't think the pepper plants would make it because I really botched hardening them off when I transferred them from the indoor pots to the outdoor garden. But they seem to have recovered, for the most part! lol
There are two beds I didn't do a closeup of. One I am planting watermelons in today, and the other one has New Zealand spinach in it. The spinach has sprouted but it's still pretty tiny so not worth taking pics of I think hehe.
I'm just so very pleased with how the garden is turning out this year. It's a lot of firsts for me and I have definitely learned an immense amount!
My girls also love to help in the garden, especially the 2 year old. I have actually provided her with a couple containers of dirt for her to dig in and a tiny watering can, so she can "garden" without ruining the real thing
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May 28, '03
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Veggie garden pics (56k prolly not)
Your beds look wonderful. I finally got peas, spinach and beans planted but we are still looking at evening temps in the 40s so its a slow process. Hopefully this weekend we will get the tomatoes set out.
Keep the garden updates coming. You have really nice looking beds.
Lucrenda, NE Druid, Lightbringer Lucrenda, AC1 - Frostfell - retired Strahd says, "Can't you see I'm leading 50+ people to their deaths?" Lucrenda & Cere married in RL June 2005
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