Author Topic: Mule Trade it -- why are items all jumbled when displaying them for sale?
Title: Bona Mixta Malis
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Registered: Feb 23, '00
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Subject: Mule Trade it -- why are items all jumbled when displaying them for sale?
I thought I was being all organized by putting Majors in a group (bottom pack), then rares (next to last pack), with them separated by stamps for ease of viewing. But then in my 2nd to last pack, and the pack above that, the items are not displayed in order, but are all mixed up and switched around.

Is there a way to have Mule Trade It display items in a little bit better order? Alphabetizing won't work, because rares would be mixed in with armor, weapons, etc.

Anyone else having this problem?

Edit: Ah, I see the cause -- I lumped the first items in pretty quickly (first two packs), but the last two packs have been piecemeal, so the "config" screen has them all mixed up. So the question seems to be -- how can I reorder things in the "pricing" screen?


Tai Fung, formerly Ken Po
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Subject: Mule Trade it -- why are items all jumbled when displaying them for sale?
Quick answer... You can't

There is no guarantee that the order in your pack will match the order displayed primarily due to the vagaries of when the 'CreateObject' packets get sent.

Once a user has got the display, they can usually close it and reopen it again to see things in the proper order, as their client should already have the objects created on their machine.


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Title: Bona Mixta Malis
Posts: 6,352
Registered: Feb 23, '00
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Real Post Cnt: 5,182
User ID: 11,959
Subject: Mule Trade it -- why are items all jumbled when displaying them for sale?
Ok, I can live -- and thanks for the quick answer! grin

One other thing, though. Now that I know what the cause likely was (piecemeal adding of items after the first 2 "bulk" packs), how could I "restart" the whole process (i.e., somehow make Mule Trade It forget that I've had these items for sale, and start from scratch -- now that I know what I want to sell!). wink

I suppose I could just make a new bot for selling, and pass the packs to be sold to THAT bot, but figured I'd ask anyway. happy


Tai Fung, formerly Ken Po
Level 196 vitae sponge
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