Author Topic: MobTracker now has maps of portals, shrines, chests, etc. as well as the new dires mobs!
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Registered: Jun 20, '01
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Subject: MobTracker now has maps of portals, shrines, chests, etc. as well as the new dires mobs!
***Make sure you have MobTracker 1.2!!!***

The following maps are now available:

Black Marrow Reliquary
Dire Champion Banderling
Dire Champion Drudge
Dire Champion Golem
Dire Champion Lugian
Dire Champion Monouga
Dire Champion Shadow
Dire Champion Skeleton
Dire Champion Virindi
Dirty Old Crate
Dream Marauder
Giant Monouga
Golem Sanctum Portal
Humming Crystal Portal
Master's Holding
Olthoi Sentinel Tracker
Reinforced Mahogany Chest
Reinforced Oaken Chest
Runed Chest
Shade of Bael'Zharon
Singularity Trove
Spertat the Ursuin Hunter
Steel Chest
Sturdy Steel Chest
The Floating City
Thief of Dreams
Three Eyed Snowman
Tusker Shrine Statue
Virindi Portal
Zairente Ra-Yao

You can add a new group that includes the new Dires Champions by adding the following XML fragment to the MobtrackerSettings.xml file located at C:\Program Files\Yews Plugins\Mob Tracker\


-EXIT AC-, then add this right after the </ActiveMobGroups> tag:

<NameGroup Name="Dire Champions">
<Name>Dire Champion Banderling</Name>
<Name>Dire Champion Drudge</Name>
<Name>Dire Champion Golem</Name>
<Name>Dire Champion Lugian</Name>
<Name>Dire Champion Monouga</Name>
<Name>Dire Champion Shadow</Name>
<Name>Dire Champion Skeleton</Name>
<Name>Dire Champion Virindi</Name>

Now when you log in you can turn on/off the Dires Champions as a group. I suppose if you were an enterprising sort, you could also add groups for anything like the chests, wandering NPCs etc. etc. etc. That is, after all, why the XML file is there happy



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Subject: MobTracker now has maps of portals, shrines, chests, etc. as well as the new dires mobs!
Great plug-in, thanks! happy


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