Author Topic: Dumb question about TadeIt
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Subject: Dumb question about TadeIt
How do you broadcast to the trade channel?


Red Dominion
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Subject: Dumb question about TadeIt
you don't unless you write an ACTool script. beleive the author didn't want a ton of tc spamming.

if you have the check mark for respond (as in !search whatever on the tc) the bot will do a /tell


Ag Nar
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Subject: Dumb question about TadeIt
It was intentionally designed that way because the trade channel is a global channel meant for LIVE TRADE between players. It is a place for players to be able to go and trade globally between themselves without bots.

Can you imagine what the trade channel would have looked like back in the day when the marketplace was packed wall-to-wall with tradebots all spamming on the trade channel their various wares? Yeah... that's why it's not allowed.

As I said... the trade channel was put in to facilitate live trading between players. It wasn't put there as a platform for bots to advertise on. If people want to shop your bot, they'll go to the marketplace or wherever.

Putting automated spam on the trade channel would only cause people to filter the trade channel and stop participating in that communication. That is counter-productive to its intended purpose.


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Subject: Dumb question about TadeIt
All that said, I do understand there is a much more real need of this on Darktide with it's lack of a Marketplace. For those people, ACScript is the answer.


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Subject: Dumb question about TadeIt
Thats what its for actually; thank you for answering my question Gouru.


Red Dominion
Father Of Sin
Borochus V
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