Author Topic: Lifetank wont Shoot Arrows?
Title: Dance, Dance, Dance
Posts: 37,602
Registered: Apr 16, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 36,794
User ID: 669,119
Subject: Lifetank wont Shoot Arrows?
[LTx] [Engine] [MacroTarget] FindTarget(FindBestTarget) - Testing [ Olthoi Slasher ] P:1 - Vulned: False - First Vulned? False
[LTx] [Engine] [MacroTarget] ...Current Best Target is Olthoi Slasher [P:1] @ 1.581716 - Vulned: False
[LTx] [Engine] [MacroTarget] TargetCanBeReached:NO: 12::30.64086 : Olthoi Slasher
[LTx] [Engine] [MacroTarget] FindTarget(FindBestTarget) - Testing [ Olthoi Slasher ] P:1 - Vulned: False - First Vulned? False
[LTx] [Engine] [MacroTarget] ...Current Best Target is Olthoi Slasher [P:1] @ 1.581716 - Vulned: False
[LTx] [Engine] [MacroTarget] TargetCanBeReached:NO: 12::30.20055 : Olthoi Slasher
[LTx] [Engine] [MacroTarget] FindTarget(FindBestTarget) - Testing [ Olthoi Slasher ] P:1 - Vulned: False - First Vulned? False
[LTx] [Engine] [MacroTarget] ...Current Best Target is Olthoi Slasher [P:1] @ 1.581716 - Vulned: False
[LTx] [Engine] [MacroTarget] TargetCanBeReached:NO: 12::30.83035 : Olthoi Slasher
[LTx] [Engine] [MacroTarget] FindTarget(FindBestTarget) - Testing [ Olthoi Slasher ] P:1 - Vulned: False - First Vulned? False
[LTx] [Engine] [MacroTarget] ...Current Best Target is Olthoi Slasher [P:1] @ 1.581716 - Vulned: False
[LTx] [Engine] [MacroTarget] TargetCanBeReached:YES: 12::1.581715 : Olthoi Slasher
[LTx] [Engine] [MacroTarget] >>>>>>>> Setting As Best Target [Range: 1.581715 - P: 1 - Vulned: False]
[LTx] [Engine] [MacroTarget] FindTarget(FindBestTarget) - Testing [ Olthoi Slasher ] P:1 - Vulned: False - First Vulned? False
[LTx] [Engine] [MacroTarget] ...Current Best Target is Olthoi Slasher [P:1] @ 1.581715 - Vulned: False
[LTx] [Engine] [MacroTarget] TargetCanBeReached:NO: 12::22.30772 : Olthoi Slasher
[LTx] [Engine] [MacroTarget] FindTarget(FindBestTarget) - Testing [ Olthoi Slasher ] P:1 - Vulned: False - First Vulned? False
[LTx] [Engine] [MacroTarget] ...Current Best Target is Olthoi Slasher [P:1] @ 1.581715 - Vulned: False
[LTx] [Engine] [MacroTarget] TargetCanBeReached:NO: 12::19.72721 : Olthoi Slasher
[LTx] [Engine] [MacroTarget] FindTarget(FindBestTarget) - Testing [ Olthoi Slasher ] P:1 - Vulned: False - First Vulned? False
[LTx] [Engine] [MacroTarget] ...Current Best Target is Olthoi Slasher [P:1] @ 1.581715 - Vulned: False
[LTx] [Engine] [MacroTarget] TargetCanBeReached:NO: 12::24.75622 : Olthoi Slasher
[LTx] [Engine] [MacroTarget] FindTarget(FindBestTarget) - Testing [ Olthoi Slasher ] P:1 - Vulned: False - First Vulned? False
[LTx] [Engine] [MacroTarget] ...Current Best Target is Olthoi Slasher [P:1] @ 1.581715 - Vulned: False
[LTx] [Engine] [MacroTarget] TargetCanBeReached:YES: 12::1.581721 : Olthoi Slasher
[LTx] [Engine] [MacroTarget] FindTarget(FindBestTarget) - Testing [ Olthoi Slasher ] P:1 - Vulned: False - First Vulned? False
[LTx] [Engine] [MacroTarget] ...Current Best Target is Olthoi Slasher [P:1] @ 1.581715 - Vulned: False
[LTx] [Engine] [MacroTarget] TargetCanBeReached:NO: 12::48.61653 : Olthoi Slasher
[LTx] [Engine] [MacroTarget] FindTarget(FindBestTarget) - Testing [ Olthoi Slasher ] P:1 - Vulned: False - First Vulned? False
[LTx] [Engine] [MacroTarget] ...Current Best Target is Olthoi Slasher [P:1] @ 1.581715 - Vulned: False
[LTx] [Engine] [MacroTarget] TargetCanBeReached:NO: 12::54.93179 : Olthoi Slasher
[LTx] [Engine] [MacroTarget] SearchForMonsterInCol (FindBestTarget): selecting Olthoi Slasher [-711751510] at Range: 1.581715
[LTx] [Engine] [clsMacroCombat : Attacking] EngageCombat - Src: GoCombat
[LTx] [Engine] [clsMacroCombat : Attacking] SetTarget: setting target to Olthoi Slasher
[LTx] [Engine] [MacroTarget] TargetCanBeReached:YES: 12::1.581715 : Olthoi Slasher
[LTx] [Engine] [clsMacro : Fighting Olthoi Slasher] clsMacro.RunState: IsBusy(TurboMode) is true!
[LTx] [Engine] [clsMacro : Fighting Olthoi Slasher] clsMacro.RunState: IsBusy(TurboMode) is true!
[LTx] [Engine] [clsMacro : Fighting Olthoi Slasher] clsMacro.RunState: IsBusy(TurboMode) is true!
[LTx] [Engine] [clsMacro : Fighting Olthoi Slasher] clsMacro.RunState: IsBusy(TurboMode) is true!
[LTx] [Engine] [clsMacro : Fighting Olthoi Slasher] clsMacro.RunState: IsBusy(TurboMode) is true!
[LTxi] Macro paused.

I can't figure it out for the life of me!

Maybe there is some option im not doing, but !!!!! this is frustrating


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Subject: Lifetank wont Shoot Arrows?
Turn off turbo mode


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Title: Dance, Dance, Dance
Posts: 37,602
Registered: Apr 16, '02
Extended Info (if available)
Real Post Cnt: 36,794
User ID: 669,119
Subject: Lifetank wont Shoot Arrows?
I found the error.

Has nothing to do with turbo mode what so ever.

It's your keybindings. The original (way back when we had beta 1) you used to have to put in your attack key.

That bit of code is probably still lingering in there some where.


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El Es Dee Mage - AC [ Retired ]
Xeo - Feral Druid PVP - Resto Druid [ Retired ]
Dee - Arcane Mage [ Retired ]
Elessdee - Unholy Death Knight [ Retired ]
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