Author Topic: Alinco and search rules
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Subject: Alinco and search rules
Anyone have any documentation on how to setup the search rules in alinco? Can it be done in the interface or is there a file I need to edit. I have to admit I have not looked in the install folder for documentation there (I will when I get home).

For example...If I want to be notified on *any* major or if I want to be notified when an axe has certain damage, work, melee d% and attack %?

Any help would be appreciated.


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Subject: Alinco and search rules

Okies... You want to open the Notify Tab in the Main Tab.
It should handle all of your questions.

It has for weapons for example, slot where you enter the wield req and any modifiers you want.
It has for majors, the ability to say only useful majors (that you pick) on weapons.

Its fully customizable, the only complaint I can say is I can't make a rule to detect the triple major tradeskill shirt form the pumpkin buffer.
I'm pretty sure thats a Turbine thing more than a Alinco thing


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Subject: Alinco and search rules
Thanks. As I suspected I had not clicked on enough things happy

Poking around this evening it looks like it has all I want...time to take it out for a test drive.


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Title: King of Bears
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Subject: Alinco and search rules
Will this work on items that you are wearing, like armor?

I would like to test it out and make sure it is working before I ditch LTx (which I suspect is causing a huge amount of lag).


Edit: I find a test item, made sure jewelry was checked and when I tested it got this: Testing : adding to Id queueGold Heavy Necklace
No Match

It was Major Axe on a necklace.


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Title: King of Bears
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Subject: Alinco and search rules
Got it working. Found out it was working on Ua, but not Mage, so I deleted the Mage profile, copied the Ua profile, renamed it to the Mage and it works as it should happy



The more people I meet, the more I like my cat
Retired-Lvl 251 Battle Dagger/Sword Bear, Bunny Master cool
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